Ron and I (separately - no team shopping) have done 37 of the gas shops for the main gas client this past month. 29 of them paid $10/$1. The others paid $7.50 but were close to home in town. If we don't get those for less, someone else takes them.
We like the new format. Mystery shop the inside and then present a Letter of Authorization in order to freely take pictures outside. I find I am able to better address issues and take more and better pictures when not sneaking around. Also, after I finish taking pictures I sit in the car on the lot and assemble my notes, upload my pictures to the shop file and staple my receipt to the front page of the paperwork (the only part I print). I have the shop memorized because i do so many so I don't really even need to print that. Once when my printer was out of ink, I wrote the address of each shop on a separate page in a notebook and just jotted my notes down on the page and stapled the receipt to that. Basically, by the time I pull off the lot, the report is ready to zap at the next WiFi or when i get home and the GPS is safely set for the next stop.
We buy nearly all the family's sodas at gas shops, one bottle at a time or $3/$3.33 or whatever deal is going on. When we get $1 of it back it makes it pretty comparable to buying them at the grocery.
I don't take the shops at ridiculously low fees. I'll take 5-13 pictures and do a report for $7.50 if it's close by and on the way to somewhere else. I don't leave home to go do just one. I don't do a hardware store the size of Kansas for $4 but I'll do one for $25 in a town 40 miles away if I can also do 6 gas stations along the way for $10/$1 each. I can usually add more shops for the day too. CRI plus shipping shops fill in my anchor shops to make a huge difference in our home.
Ron works a full time job and I draw disability and mystery shop when I'm able. My daughter is disabled too but isn't drawing disability yet. With three adults to feed and house and buy medicine for and pay doctors for, mystery shopping makes a big difference.
CRI comes in handy because my check is gone by the first week of the month when we pay rent and utilities. I always have something coming in from CRI because Ron and I make sure to do some shops for them each week. Then there's money on the Paypal card every Friday for groceries, meds and copays. Now we squeak by most months but we don't crash and burn.
There's not much on the board right now for me. I have to be home by 1:30 pm for Ron to take the car and go to work. I hope I get my car back pretty soon so I can really get back to work. I miss those long distance routes in the country and right now the dogwoods and redbuds are blooming and the roads are calling me. Then there's a paycheck at the end of the daffodil trails. lol
Today I Will Choose Joy!
"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!