Presto instashops contact information?

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The shop I saw was pretty clear about needing to order a regular large pizza with one of the listed toppings and no variations. I'm sorry for the outcome but as I doubt their client will accept the shop I'd just deduct the pizza cost as a business expense and not expend more time or energy on it.
Hi kingbuzzie,

Presto Instashops is not a mystery shopping company but a software platform. Mystery shopping companies use our platform to post their shops. As such, we're not responsible for accepting or rejecting individual shops.

That being said, if you'd like to contact our support department you can do so by clicking "Help" in the app menu and then clicking "Submit a new support ticket."


Colleen (from Presto)
Well it actually looks like I'm wrong, I still would have appreciated if the evaluator would have responded to my request in the first place instead of ignoring me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2019 03:46PM by kingbuzzie.
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