AustinMom Wrote:
But when a company feels the
> need to come on a shopper forum and defend itself,
> it very much puts me off. When the company
> identifies a shopper from their post, and then
> shares as much info about the shopper and the
> situation as was shared here by the MSP CEO and
> the scheduler on an open shopper forum, this sets
> off a big flashing sign to me "DON'T SHOP DON'T
I disagree, DaScubaLady opened herself up by posting what could be considered, if even partially true, defamation on this board, and I feel Primo had every right to defend itself, at least it did so openly, readily identifying the post as coming from Primo. DaScubaLAdy could have responded sooner to Mr. Miller and it "might" not have reached the point it did. Mr. Miller provides more than adequate proof that he tried to rectify this situation to no avail:
>"1) I tried calling DaScubaLady three times on Sunday and even left her my cell >number. She refused to call me back.
>2) I emailed DaScubaLady copies of all cleared checks providing proof of payment to >her. To that response, she said I was accusing her of bank fraud.
>3) I forwarded DaScubaLady emails that had been sent to her regarding the stop >payment and the re-issuance of the check...."
Also to quote Mr. Miller: ‘DaScubaLAdy and I did come to a very amicable resolution AFTER SENDING THE LAST POST (The caps are mine,)”. I take from this statement that since he could receive no response from DaScubaLAdy, he did the next best thing; he posted his statement/side here, then he received a response. I feel if I had been in this situation, I would have been on the phone with the MSC ASAP trying to figure out what happened. Come on three phone calls and Mr. miller’s cell number, she could have at least responded to him, since she started the process, even if only to say I will call you Monday when I can go to or call my bank. However, by this point Mr. miller was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.
I can already hear the responses from the Mystery Shopping God’s telling me in their millionth post how wrong I am, but that is OK, I am glad this is an open forum for all to speak. When we feel we have been wronged by the mystery shopping companies we want to shout from the mountain top about it (I am guilty of this) but when we make a mistake and a shop is rejected we come to the valley to be consoled wondering how the MSC could take a minor issue so seriously (I am guilty of this as well).
Flash Wrote:
> I don't think you can assume that at all. I think
> that you have to assume there was confusion on
> both parts if you choose to assume anything at
> all.
I do not think any assuming is necessary; I think the entire post speaks volumes and if I were called into court and asked if DaScubaLady’s posts had any effect on my opinion of Primo, I probably would have to say yes. (Good or Bad, I will leave to everyone’s assumption.)
When there is silence by the OP, I feel that speaks volumes.
As I have indicated numerous times, all of this is simply how I feel.