-- Opinions?

I started with Shadow Shopper when I first began. I paid only 2 times for 3 months each time for the Silver Membership. It was a great tool to get started with companies to send emails of assignments. Once I had the 6 months in, I basically had built the relationaships with the schedulers. So I feel it depends on the individual. Shadow Shoppper opened doors and gave me a wealth of information.

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I guess on shadow shopper everyone has their own opinion. I paid 39.95 for 3 months the first of feb and I made in Feb a total of 753.00 so I got my money back. i have notice I get the shops that pay more then a shop if you just register
I do not like Shodow shoppers, they just send you a list with jobs and many of that jobs are not available when you go to select them. I would not pay never for that.
I use shadow shopper, but will nor renew my membership again, they do get you alot of job offers, but with a little research you can get the same information. Through shadow shoppers I found a few companies that I have worked with, but a google search will give you the same results.

through google I found which list about 100 mystery shopping companies, most if not all are free to sign up with.
Hello, I am new at all of this and need to try this because I had to get done work about 3 years ago when my husband became disabled, now he is at a point I can leave him for several hours at a time. I really need income and thought this would be a decent way to earn some income while still caring for my husband. I join Shadow Shoppers as a free trial and all I get is these emails for the paid members, what I am asking is where does it state in the email who the company is? Because I sure would go sign up directly with the company if I only knew which ones are not a scam. If someone knows how to find out the company names I sure would appreciate the info. Thank you!
When I first started mystery shopping I signed up for shadow shopper. When a shop was e-mailed to me that was near by I would send a request for the shop throught shadow shopper, there is a link in the posting that says "Click here to apply for this job opportunity." This sends a request to the scheduler and they usually get back to you with the details of the job.

I hope this helps.

I like Best Mark too. You have to be fast when the email comes in about the fun shops that pay real good. The ones online you have to be fast too. They go fast. If you get an assignment, they do pay very well. I have gotten checks within 2 weeks for performing the shop. They never pay over a month. You will get your check within a month.
I also don't believe you should pay to be a mystery shopper. Shadow shopper would not let me see any jobs until I paid them. I did not, and I stopped the emails.
I was with shadowshopper for 1 month and paid only 9.99. It was worth it because I quickly learned who a lot of the m/s companies were in my area, their websites, etc. Now I am set and do not need them anymore.
I wouldn't use shadowshoppers. You can find the same companies using Volition and doing your own research. I looked into their "trial membership" and found the same jobs elsewhere online. So it doesn't make sense to pay for their membership. I cancelled and requested and received a refund for the trial membrship. I am registered with about 40-50 companies, all of which I found using Volition and internet research.YOU CAN make $$$ without sending a company $$$ for information. It just requires some legwork on the part of the mystery shopper.
I signed up with ShadowShopper as a starting place. By the time my trial ran out, I had signed up with companies that will email you direct or you can log into their website a assign jobs. I work full time and have a 2 and 3 year old at home and didnt have time at first to search endlessly for companies. Knowing that these companies had shops in my area of Western Winsconsin helped me to sign up with those companies instead of ones that only have jobs elsewhere or will contact you when there are jobs in your area.
Baby steps...I started out with shadow shopper. I did the free trial period plus one month, before I stopped working with shadow was the start I needed. I now have my own data base, plus I get phone calls to do shops daily too.
I've had nothing but good experiences while using Shadow Shoppers. I signed up for a one year subscription for $19.99 and was a silver member. I submitted my profile and began receiving emails from companies which I applied for each and everyone on my own. I presently work with five mystery shop companies and two demo comapanies. I presently gross over $1500.00 per month and presently I'm very happy with the choice to sign up with Shadow shoppers.
I totally agree with you Kenneth, the companies they send you are ones that have jobs in your area. i dont have the time or energy to sign up with a companies that doesnt even have jobs in my area.
I joined as a Bronze member first; ws able to sign up with a few companies, paid to be a Silver member, got all the info, but wasn't interested in some of the assignments in my area, so after one month, I didn't renew my subscription. I do agree that Shadow Shoppers is a good jumping off place; once you get signed up with several companies, you can let your membership lapse. I'd say it depends on the shops in your area; if there are not many, then Shadow Shopper is not worth it.
This is about home workers, are there any out there really you can do without having to pay a couple hundred dollars to get started? Like data-entry, filling out claims or typing? If there is please E-mail me I would appreciate it Thank You.

I have used shadown shopper for over a year now and I get at least 20 job notifications, local to my area each day. This service saves me a lot of time.

The free trial is only to get a feel for the types of jobs you will notified about and doesn't always give all of the information.

The notice about automatice renewal was clear to me when I signed up and I am confused why so many people miss it.

The thing about the free lists is I have spent hours signing up a companies only to find out they have no shops in my state. With shadow shopper, they only send me notifications of shops in my area. That saves me a lot of time.

Guy Novello
Gold Certified
I signed up with Shadow Shopper approx 7 months ago (without paying) - I received emails & phone calls (AND DID WORK) from/for these 4 companies - immediately when I decided to pay for one(1) month, I was sent all kinds of emails from SS, & no job was closer than 300 miles from my home, or was right for me(lifting 75 lb pkg, etc), and when I wrote/called them on their job choice to me & started 'questioning' them, I have never heard from them again!! I asked the people that hired me (people I am still working for) did I have to pay them or SS? they said absolutely not! that they have to show the info (email, phone, etc) to everyone requesting names & profiles, BUT there is something very wrong with them(SS) (they did write me back to tell me that I must be 'mistaken' - they do not actually advertise or promise you anything!! it is strictly for you to follow up!! How would you do that with "you can't see the details of these jobs without paying"!! The only good info has come from you people, right on this site & the people that contacted me by phone or email - so thank you again!!! barb b
Thank you Shadow Shopper. I am just finishing up my trial month. I decided to try mystery shopping a few weeks ago but did not know how to get started. It was so overwhelming with google searches, forums etc. I came across SS and it provided everything I needed to educate myself. The money was well spent. In the first week I had companies calling me for work. SS is providing a bridge between shoppers and companies and cutting out alot of work for everyone. The coordinators of SS deserve to be paid for their work. I am 3 weeks into this and have already done $300 worth of shops because of SS. They are providing a wonderful service. They may however want to reconcider there payment policies and provide a little better customer service. I don't live in a highly populated area but obviously there is work around here. SS found it for me. I am renewing for another 90 days and by then I should be well on my feet.
I signed up for Shadow Shopper 4 months ago and I Love them. I'm an at home mom and I've been getting 3-4 jobs a week. The $100.00 was the best money I have spent in years. I work every weekend doing Demo's in Walmarts and Costco...making great money. I got those jobs from shadow shopper. You have to apply... I dont get called for everyone I apply for, but I do get about 70% of the jobs I've responded too. I do not believe you should pay for jobs, but Shadow Shopper is a job board... I made the $100 back on my first job. You have to make the effort and go after these jobs. $100 is a small amount to pay for me to be able to make my bills Now. i work while my kids are in school. No way is Shoadow Shopper a Scam. I believe if people think its a scam their not doing their part - you have to write a great Bio / upload a photo and start looking for jobs.
I paid $19.95 for a 3 month subscription to ShadowShopper and it was well worth it. I received plenty of job shops and I was able to apply and register with many companies. I am able to shop in my city and nearby communities that are within a close distance to where I live. ShadowShopper is a great way to get started if you are a newcomer to the world of mystery shopping! Now that I am registered with different companies,I receive shop offers directly to my e-mail and I am able to go directly to their job posting boards and apply for job offers. It was definitely worth the small amount of money I invested. I have no regrets and neither will you. After 3 months, I no longer need their services so I will not be renewing but I was satisfied with the information I received from ShadowShopper.
I signed up with Shadow Shopper. First I tried the free version to see how many listings were in my area. I was bombarded with possible I signed on as silver. I've been with Shadow Shopper almost two years and stay very busy every month with shops from their listings. I have now made my own contacts and discovered other ways to find new companies so I will not be continuing with Shadow Shopper. It was worth the money in the allowed me to get started without doing tons of research for companies.
I had a similar experience as most of the others. I signed up for a silver membership with ShadowShoppers and unsuccessful in getting any jobs. By the time that you get the notification of the job, it has already been assigned to one of the company that is advertising it. Most of the jobs they sent you were for things that paid $5 with a reimbursed purchase on a minimal amount. For that amount you were expected to review ten different departments, three people in each department, spend an hour and a half in the store, and go home and prepare a twenty page report describing the appearance, names and quality of twenty different factors that you noticed. When I tried to cancel the membership, they continued to bill my credit card every period for another nine months. I called repeatedly and they refused to cancel or return the money they had billed to my account. If you go to the individual companies they are sending info for, most of them say they do not fill any positions through Shadow Shopper, Nor do they give them permission to post their open positions. This is a shop at your own risk company as far as I am concerned.
I Have been with for several months and I am a gold member with them and I receive 15 to 20 jobs daily in my e-mail and I have alot of outside Mystery Shopping Companies request me to work for them by contacting ShawdowShopper I enjoy working with them.
I was very disappointed in SS. I joined as a Bronze (free) member and then upgraded to silver. Most of the links I received came back saying the url was non-existent. I googled mystery shopping, found volition and signed up for a few companies that way, but didn't find many Canadian companmies. I did pay for a very extensive list and I'm not even 1/2 way through it yet. This was my best investment. It was a one time fee (unlike SS) and had many tips as well as a list with details about each company.Some of the links don't work, but I am able to google the name to find them.Yes, it is true, that you should not have to pay to receive information, but it was helpful as a quick start.
I love ShadowShoppers. I was able to find several web sites through this company with no problem. I get calls all the time from people that got my information off of ShadowShoppers needing help. I have more work than time. It is had to find jobs in Alaska but this web site helped out alot.
I have used their directory to sign with other companies.
They hounded me for ever and gave up. Then recently they sent me another email to give in to their 'bargain' rate.
There are plenty of Mystery Shop Co. out there. Sometimes they are related to each other and will tell you to check their sister site.
Another suggestion is MSPA. They list a lot of reputable companies and you do not need to be Gold Certified. I am not certified at all and still get a lot of shoops from these companies.
I have signed up with many shopping companies which are FREE. I have more jobs than I can comfortably handle. I will NEVER pay to get shopping jobs as it is totally unnessary. I don't want to pay them..........I want them to pay me. Afterall,isn't that why we mystery shop!

It's not fun, sure. But it's probably just that your geographic community either didn't have jobs that Shadow had contracts with or--and I'm not sure how Shadow does this since I have not signed up with them--everyone in your community grabbed the jobs before you even saw them. I've had jobs grabbed from self-assign sites while I was reading them!
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