-- Opinions?

Keep your money...all you have to do is put Mystery Shop Companies in yahoo and it pulls up a bundle of free once..Your paying for leads that you can get for free. Plus you still have to fill out the applications...I can't afford to pay to get paid.

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This is being sent to you so your aware of a situation that has shocked and scammed hundreds of people.
Shadowshopper, a mystery shopping "REFERRAL" company has been doing illegal business activity by making consumers
pay for services not received, and then when they ask for a Refund they simply get a nasty message saying they wont be provided one.

According to the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU (BBcool smiley they have had 158 complaints filed against them in the last 36 months, according to they also have handful of complaints.

I AM asking you for you assistance by STOP POSTING ANY AND ALL MESSAGES ON SHADOWSHOPPER.COM unless you approve of these crooks ripping people off.

Please help by distributing this email and filing a complaint about

I find it hard to understand the big deal of paying a company to introduce you to the business , furnish you with leads, show you how to do your bio, helps you with training, how to do merchandising, answers your e-mails,has a huge list of companies to sign up with, shows you how to write great replies to a scheduler. I am new (2mos) in this business and had it not been for (Shadow Shopper) I doubt that I would still be in the business. I have joined Secret Shopping Center, Paid for Shopping they have companies to list with but do not provide you with any of the above mentioned that Shadow shopper provides.
Bottom line get over paying and if you really want a fast start out of the gate I would join Shadow Shopper).
I got a free week with Shadow Shopper, all I did was refuse every offer they e-mailed me until they gave in w/ a free week.

I found that week got me enough introductions to be able to pursue mystery shopping on my own--I'm just registering to every company that I come across. I'd like to be busier at times, at other times less busy.

I still am not certain if I can make a really good living at this, but will continue a while longer
I joined shawowshopper and would not recommend them at all. I signed up for the $9.99 for one month deal. I logged in a couple of days before the expiration and saw that my account was due to end which is what I wanted. I got my leads for jobs that was worth the $9.99. However I could not find the cancellation area to verify that I was indeed going to cancel the membership so I logged out figuring I was all set and two days after wards they charged my credit card $99 for a one year membership. The company is so crooked that they would not end the membership and refund me my $99 or even pro-rate it for the couple of days that it was in effect. There are more than enough free sites dont use ShadowShopper. If they were a legitimate company they would not have had a problem refunding my money since I was not satisfied with their service by charging me $99.
Shadow shopper is a good way to get started. It will show you different companies that are looking for shoppers that you can enlist with. I found the membership paid for itself in a few days. I thought it gave me a great start with mystery shopping. I live in NYC and typically receive more shop notices than I could ever handle.

I think some people are not understanding that Shadow shopper doesn't assign the jobs to shoppers. They are a referrel service, more like a "want ads". MS companies post jobs on Shadow shopper that they were unable to fill from their own company database of shoppers. Some of you that didn't get jobs from Shadow shopper, may not have followed the directions, and enrolled with the company that placed the ad with Shadow shopper. The company posting the Ad with shadow shopper is who would assign the job to you.
Happy New Year! I paid to join Shadow Shopper in early November, 2006, and have been kept as busy as I want to be. I am retired and decided to be a shopper for the fun of it, but I'm already generating a nice little personal income. I believe that by using Shadow Shopper, I am shopping for legitimate companies and have less chances of being scammed.

"Peace begins with a smile."... Mother Teresa
This is being sent to you so your aware of a situation that has shocked and scammed hundreds of people.

Shadowshopper, a mystery shopping "REFERRAL" company has been doing illegal business activity by making consumers
pay for services not received, and then when they ask for a Refund they simply get a nasty message saying they wont be provided one.

According to the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU (BBcool smiley they have had 158 complaints filed against them in the last 36 months, according to they also have handful of complaints.

I AM asking you for you assistance by STOP POSTING ANY AND ALL MESSAGES ON SHADOWSHOPPER.COM unless you approve of these crooks ripping people off.

Please help by distributing this email and filing a complaint about

I did not want to pay Shadow Shopper until I got a call to do an assignment that paid pretty well. I wasn't getting many offers as a "non-paying" member, but this company needed someone right away. I then decided to just join as a silver member so I could get more offers. They offered a 7 day free trial of the gold membership along with my paid silver membership. When the week was up they charged my credit card for the gold membership even though I did not request it. It's a good way to get your foot in the door, but beware of hidden charges.
I signed up for the no-fee Bronze(I don't remember if this was the right name) membership. This was supposed to show me all the jobs I could get. I never saw one position. But they refered me for one/two shops. Should I pay for the gold memebership for $100 for their listings when they never showed me anything in their listings.
To all the (Shadow Shopper) whiny people. I am not going to pay for jobs. You are not paying ongoing for jobs. If you can't recoup your money from a membership and a upgrade for better jobs then maybe this isn't for you. Somethings never seem to change: I want something for nothing. Yes there are a lot of companies to join but how do you find them? Where do you learn how to right a good bio, a good letter to the scheduler, help on merchandising, a photo for your bio. Some of you will whine about anything and everything and that's just the way you are. If I had not found Shadow Shopper) I doubt I would still be in this business, I have also joined (Paid to Shop and Secret Shopping Center, yes they have companies to list with but they do not offer you any schooling on bio's, information on what works and what doesn't. If you are looking for merchandising jobs you need to sign up with them. It is ongoing. Bottom line is if your are serious about this business I couldn't recommend a better place to start.
I just want to add that Shadow Shopper introduced me to a company that does in store demos. I have been working for them since last month and they pay $9 an hour and pay weekly. I am so glad I found them thru Shadow Shopper.

Shadow Shopper is not a bad service or a rip off. Its all up to you. You are the one who completes your profile and if you are not getting any jobs its because there are none in your area. If you expand your service area, you could get more postings.

I found that after I signed up with 250 MS companies that Jacob provided for us, that most of them email you when there is a job available in your area, so there really is no need to sign up with Shadow Shopper if you make an honest effort to register with ALL of those companies.
I payed the 10 bucks for the 30 days last May and have had a steady paycheck every week. It was well worth it. To continue with them no.
I paid Shadowshopper once when I began shopping. I now get so many offers for Shops,Audits,Merchandising and Demos that I am recruiting new shoppers in my area. I have more than I could ever do . I turn down as many as I take.

Ruth Kristy
no way will i pay to get a job...half the time the jobs you do get you have to spend more then what your getting way....never..not a penny to do a shop....i'd rather find a full time job somewhere.....or a partime one to fill in for my self employment......
I believe the "trial" subscription is worth the money for newbies. It is how I got started. I did pay for a year and think that was a waste of money.
I paid 4.99 a year ago to Shadow Shopper and thats how I got started. I made $4000 in 2006 and have been steadily busy. I didn't rejoin Shadow Shopper because I stay busy enough.
I am in no position to comment since I am new at this job, I receive
tons of referrals from Shadow Shopper with various offers, am consid-
ering whether to accept thier offer or check out other situations.
i have been trying to get started and myy question now is do I have to pay and if so I do not know if I am interested or not. Especially after so much debate and controversy
I orginally paid for a 3 month trial silver membership. I think it was worth it for the three months - I got quite a few jobs and made some contacts. I did not continue my membership because I had found many companies I like and now could find the jobs without their assistance. I think it was worth the $30.
I wouldn't pay for SS because they send you info about jobs that you can find for free. I tried their free trial deal and saw the same jobs for the same companies I had already registered with. Check out the volition site and register for free with the companies listed there. It takes time, but it saves you money.
I joined Shadow Shopper a year ago and I am going to renew my membership. It's due this month. I received a shopping opportunity from a company who found my bio on their site and it paid for my membership within 30 days with just this one company. I made over $1200 with them and I would have missed this excellent opportunity if not for Shadow Shopper. I have also been contacted by at least 15 other companies with web sites offering me the opportunity to apply. I grossed over $3,000 from other companies that don't have shopper web sites. All thanks to Shadow Shopper. I agree you should never pay a company to shop for them but that really isn't all that Shadow shopper does for you. Very few of the jobs they offer are for them however they do have some great shops. If you aren't getting responses back from schedulers I would suggest you look at your bio and also the e-mails you are sending out in response to the coordinators and schedulers. They have certain things they are looking for from the applicants that respond.
I joined and used them for about 3 years have signed up for many companies thru there lists to shop. I loved it. I got emailes everyday. as a paid member you can see the results and sign up for the jobs with the company or companies offering the shop. I got alot of jobs and made a bit of money. I traveled and saw the united states because of a route job I got thru shadow shopper. I will continue to use them.

Happy shopping everyone.
It is true that you don't need to spend money to find jobs but it is very time-consuming. Shadowshopper allowed me to find lots of jobs and sign up with companies that I might not have found on my own. I have made the money I paid SS over and over again. And I am still shopping with all of the companies I found thru their site. I thank them for that.
What little I paid for the trial period and the subsequent annual fee, I made up in one day. In addition, I have no shortage of jobs. I'm loving it!
I get alot of asst. sent to me, however I can never respond. It is for Gold members

Patricia Pizarro
I'm going to join the side that thinks Shadow Shopper is actually a good service. I signed up for the $99 annual plan for one year (I did not authorize automatic renewal) and wound up recouping the investment many times over. Certainly I might have found most of the new jobs I got on my own, but Shadow Shopper made it easy for me. I'm now directly signed up with dozens of mystery shopping companies with shops in my region that I might never have heard of otherwise.

On the negative side, I only remember getting two cruise mystery shop emails during my year, even though that was one of the lures of the top-level membership.

Even so, I'd recommend Shadow Shopper for a newbie.
I already wasted $99 on Mystery Shop Link when I found Shadow Shopper. I wasn't about to waste more money. The free membership did allow me to receive some emails with company names, which is more than I got with Mystery Shop Link, and I registered with those companies directly. I think it is a matter of time versus money. If you have the time to do your own searching, don't spend the money. If you don't have the time, spend the money and hope it will pay off.
I would NOT sign up on this site. I KNOW that all of the postings they have listed can be found on the individual Mystery Shopper sites. All you have to do is surf a little and you will find them. I have signed up with over twenty companies and get emails and phone calls daily. Just take the time to sign up to as many as you can. You are throwing your money away if you give to Shadow Shopper!!
I say often to friends in business__who you know will open the door of success for you. What you know will keep you there.

As to ShadowShoppers, I found it perfect for my need of using the company to fast-start my intent to view "shopping" as a successful entrepreneur effort.

I got my fist job within 20 minutes of applying.

I was registered to shop for a company for 2 years who rarely sent me notices. Now through Shadowshoppers, that company contacts me often.

Business growth depends on two things as I see it. (A) what your goals are and (cool smiley what you're willing to do to accomplish that goal. I still get my money's worth out of ShadowShoppers. They can't gaurantee that you'll be hired. But they sure make an effort to help you present yourself to prospective employers in a SELLING fashion.
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