
Is this company still in business? I have not seen shops at all for over 6 months. DOes anyone have a list of companies that are no longer in business? I still check many and there has not been anything in my area for 6 months or more.

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To the best of my knowledge they are still in business.

As for a list . . .
ACRA is gone
BankAtlantic appears to be having what shops are done performed by another MSP
Certified Field Associates was bought by Market Force so sign up is through there.
Examine Your Practice merged/was bought by someone else but I think the new guys are using the same website
JC&Associates was sold to Market Stat
Mystery Diner
Orilio & Assoc
Pacific Research Group I thought was gone but someone mentioned working with them recently I think.
Service Quality Solutions became Buckalew Hospitality
SG Marketing was bought by Market Force so sign up is through there.
Shop 'n Chek was bought by Market Force so sign up is through there.

There may be more that others have
I don't realy think Gapbuster is still in service, although their website has not closed. I just don't ever see any shops offered. Has anybody done shops for them in the past 6 months? That's how long Market Force has had Mc Donalds for.
Hey Guys,
They are still in business but not in Canada, they lost the contract with McDonalds, I use to do a lot of work for them and they paid well maybe thats why they lost the contract.

who is TNS ? I see this MSC mentioned and would like to know who they are referring to (Trendsource?)
I got the boot this morning. So did my husband. sad smiley They haven't had shops for nearly two years, but I was checking in once in a while just in case.
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