Market Force Question

I signed up with Market Force a month ago. I have done two shops and two upcoming.

My question is if Market Force ever Emails you to tell you if you did well or even if your shop was accepted? Or do you have to wait to see if you get paid?

All I can see is on the receipt and CPI status page that everything is verified. I'm guessing this is just for the receipt and CPI. But what about the shop itself?


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No news is good news with MF. They e-mail you only if they have questions or if there is a problem. I've never had a payment issue with MF, if it's been a few days and you haven't heard anything, you will get paid.
What AM said.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
i have worked for them for four years....its true they only call you if a job if missing data.....good company to work for...
You will hear from them if they've figured out how not to pay you for your shop. Trust me, they're good at that.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Cettie Wrote:
> You will hear from them if they've figured out how
> not to pay you for your shop. Trust me, they're
> good at that.

I keep hearing that and it puzzles me. I've done many shops for them, and one was only rejected shop EVER...and it was my fault. Otherwise, I've never had to chase bonuses or email them looking for my pay -- which is more than I can say about some other companies.
While Market Force is good most of the time, sometime you cannot figure them out.

The more you try to accommodate them, taking shops when schedulers call desperately for example, the more they try to find fault to avoid paying because they gave you a bonus to take the shop.

They have this new program where you can sign up to be "on call" for first notice when shops flake, and they need someone in a hurry. I thought they were going to e-mail and let the first shopper who wants it takes it. What they do is drop it on your pending shops without even an e-mail or phone call to let you know it is there.

Shoppers are independent contractors and are not clearing their schedule to be available for Market Force, but somehow Market Force thinks they can drop a shop on your schedule without bothering to ask if you have a conflict for that time and date.

Market force, if you are reading this forum, Give us a break, It is not a flake if you did not ask if we were available, and we miss your unsolicited deposit on our schedule, especially on weekends when many of us have a Monday-Friday week and do not shop on weekends and do not go near the computer.
Maket force has called me to do shops for them they need done in a hurry. Sometimes I get an e-mail that says I have 22 hours fron the time of the e-mail to accept before it goes out to everyone. I don't know if that is good or not but I do a lot of shops for them and they do pay. just hang in there and things should go OK for you if you do as they set up the shop.
All companies rate shoppers, although sometimes the information is just available internally. Also, the way they rate varies from company to company. Sometimes the number reflects the average performance score of aggregate shops, while others base it on a combination of performance, cancellation rate, and number of shops completed.

I, too, have never had a problem with MarketForce, but because of what others have posted, I continue to be wary.
I see today that the FF shops now require viewing a video and I assume taking a test. I can't even get the video to play? Any insight?
Cettie Wrote:
> You will hear from them if they've figured out how
> not to pay you for your shop. Trust me, they're
> good at that.

I agree. I tried arguing a little bit, but figured like so many, I'd be deactivated.
Well I took the test tonight, missed one in the practice session, missed a different one in the certification session, and now I have no FF's assignments available to me. I guess I am being punished for getting bored and muffing one of the ridiculously repetitive questions about timing points one, two, and three. Perhaps a wet-behind-the-ears 18-year-old can answer the questions correctly and do a few assignments after smoking a joint and MF will be happy campers.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2011 05:51AM by ShopUntilYouDrop.
If too many shoppers don't pass their new video test, they may have to back off. Remember about a year ago, they put own a new test and here were massive complaints from shoppers who did not pass the test and could not do the fast foods. MF apparently couldn't get the shops done, so they retracted the test. That may happen again. I have not looked at the new test yet......
Time will tell, AustinMom. I called MF today to discuss my inadvertent error in checking one wrong bullet (which was one of numerous repetitive questions about timing). My punishment is 90 days after which I can "attempt" the test again. "Customer rules, sorry."

FYI I never saw a video test; what was made available to me were the Guidelines that I already had saved in my computer long ago.

Guess who ain't gonna do MF any favors when the call and beg me to do a last minute assignment?

Oh, well, perhaps I will drop a few pounds without the crappy food.
Yeah, I missed and was off the list, but it did reappear 90 days later. so they give you a second chance. (maybe even third or fourth!)
I had 2 chances to take the ff test I thought. I think I remember keeping the notes open during them so I could look for the questions while taking it. Atleast there is only 1 test. Have you been to corporate research's site.smiling smiley dedication..... smiling smiley
One of the questions is incorrect. Timing point 2 at the dine in is when your order is totaled. However, if you select that, you will fail. Somebody will probably discover the error and fix it.
ShopNflop Wrote:
> While Market Force is good most of the time,
> sometime you cannot figure them out.
> The more you try to accommodate them, taking shops
> when schedulers call desperately for example, the
> more they try to find fault to avoid paying
> because they gave you a bonus to take the shop.

I had not experienced this one until today. OMG. Scheduler called, I politely stepped out of my appointment to hear her out. She bonused it, etc-said no one would take it, HAD TO BE DONE BY TOMORROW- I asked for a fee and got it.

Well, when I got the e-mail, I figured out why no one took it prior-the freaking address was wrong and so were the landmarks (both closed down). Street name was just a little off, so Mapquest and GPS could not locate.

It's not in a part of town most MSers would frequent. I looked on the corporate site, found the correct addy and e-mailed the Help Desk to have them update the shop address with the proper street name.

They cancelled the shop on me. Said my assistance was NOT NEEDED (and I quote).
3off, never, ever correct Market Force, even when they are wrong. They don't take criticism well, since they are always right. sad smiley
ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> 3off, never, ever correct Market Force, even when
> they are wrong. They don't take criticism well,
> since they are always right. sad smiley

LOL-you'd thought I would have learned that over the previously rejected bonused shop I fought them over.
Fear not, it took me a few incidents to realize that I should just shut up and get over it. The last matter involved them claiming that AOL was blocking all of their emails to me even though I was receiving them regularly. This was of course my fault by reporting the emails as spam, something I obviously would not do.
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