ShopNflop Wrote:
> While Market Force is good most of the time,
> sometime you cannot figure them out.
> The more you try to accommodate them, taking shops
> when schedulers call desperately for example, the
> more they try to find fault to avoid paying
> because they gave you a bonus to take the shop.
I had not experienced this one until today. OMG. Scheduler called, I politely stepped out of my appointment to hear her out. She bonused it, etc-said no one would take it, HAD TO BE DONE BY TOMORROW- I asked for a fee and got it.
Well, when I got the e-mail, I figured out why no one took it prior-the freaking address was wrong and so were the landmarks (both closed down). Street name was just a little off, so Mapquest and GPS could not locate.
It's not in a part of town most MSers would frequent. I looked on the corporate site, found the correct addy and e-mailed the Help Desk to have them update the shop address with the proper street name.
They cancelled the shop on me. Said my assistance was NOT NEEDED (and I quote).