Gina Wrote:
> nicelytwicely Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When I sign into the site, there are NEVER any
> > shops that show as being available to me.
> > However, when I access the link on the
> "available
> > shops" email, they come up. I always keep one
> old
> > email on file, just so I can see available
> shops.
> Ask one of the Schedulers to look at your Shopper
> rating. If it's below a certain percentage you
> can't see shops online. You'll receive an email
> notice letting you know there are shops, you just
> cannot see or use online scheduling. You'll have
> to schedule through a Scheduler until your rating
> improves. The rating helps weed out Shoppers that
> do not complete shops or have shop issues.
Definitely not the problem. My shopper rating is extremely high. If shops are available, I get emails, but they only appear when I click on the link in the email to log in. To be honest, this hasn't been a problem for me, as I feel that I AM notified when shops are available. I was just making an observation for the person who posted, thinking that they might have the same issue. For example, I get an email and when I click the link to access the site, I see all the available shops. If I sign out, and then try to sign in through the main link, I can't see them. Oh, and I can self-assign.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2011 11:54PM by nicelytwicely.