Jellybean Services

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They are legitimate, and their owner is a sometime poster here on our forum. Payment for court researching tends to be very low, and I have not personally done it, but Jellybean Services is a good company if you are going to do that type of work.
Where's jellybean when we need him? They are a company in Michigan, check them out: []

They give you things to go to your local courthouse and research. They pay by the item. It did not look like a big-money proposition to me and I have not done any work for them, although the President if also a mystery shopper and a sometimes poster here and on Volition. It is a family operated company. They are legit, and I have never heard anything about payment problems.
Thanks, AustinMom. Conceptually, it looks kind of interesting, but I agree, the pay rate wouldn't be worth it for me, either.
Certainly has been my reaction as well. There are several companies that do different types of courthouse record searches and none of them pay worth a darn. My sense is that it is just a cheap substitute for getting a paralegal to do the work.
What type of pay are we looking at? I couldn't find any numbers. The court house in question in my area is very convenient to get to; I might give it a whirl just to add another "notch" on my belt.
It seems to me that depending on the company it runs from 75 cents to 1.25 per record retrieved and they provide you a list of what they need.
Provided, of course, that there are 20 or more items to look up and you are able to indeed find them in under an hour. As you know, 'expectations' and 'reality' in this business tend to be two verrrrry different things. When was the last time you spent 30 minutes on a 'quick and easy' job that was supposed to take 'less than 5 minutes'?
Flash Wrote:
> Provided, of course, that there are 20 or more
> items to look up and you are able to indeed find
> them in under an hour. As you know,
> 'expectations' and 'reality' in this business tend
> to be two verrrrry different things. When was the
> last time you spent 30 minutes on a 'quick and
> easy' job that was supposed to take 'less than 5
> minutes'?

I wouldn't even do it for $16 an hour! Not to mention, travel expenses make it even less appealing.
If memory serves me, the founder and long-time owner of the company sold it a couple of years ago, although he is still active in MSing and court research.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Sorry, I lost my favorites. This came up on a google search. To explain the selling of the company..I sold "JBS" which is short for Jellybean Services. They handle the court research, employment, etc. I held on to Jellybean Services, but the focus of Jellybean Services itself is sales, marketing, and other projects. Jellybean Services does handle the sales for new clients for JBS, but JBS is run by my parents, who bought the company from me. It's a little confusing.

There's a complete FAQ about court research on the JBS website. Someone above gave a link. Flash is correct when stating the pay is low. That's not because of the court research companies, that's because of clients and a couple of moron ppl that are pretending to run companies that ruin it for the rest of us. There's one such company out in California who ruins it for us who do it properly. They buy the list from a electronic list broker, but sell it as "court researched" items. They're buying the stuff for like 5 cents, so they offer it super low to clients, so in order to be competitive and get contracts, we have to go lower and try to convince them otherwise. As a result, the pay to researchers is cut.

There's other things factored into the pay as well, however, with JBS, the pay that is offered is the same pay that I receive if I collect records as well. While I help establish how much is paid per record, it's tricky to get the right combination where it's worth it for everyone.

No, you won't get rich doing court research. For most people, no, there's not going to be a lot of work. There may be a project that there is a bunch of work, but your region also depends on it as well. Court research works best when you schedule it along with your merchandising and mystery shopping jobs. A half hour stop at the courthouse, you make $10 collecting some records, and there's no report when you get home with court research. That's why court research is advertised along with mystery shopping. Some shops pay $10 and may take half an hour, too, it's really not much different time wise.

The work is easy for most of the stuff that is collected. But, like I already mentioned, it depends on where you live and what's available. When we say you can earn between $8-16/hr, that's what the average is if you figure your time at the location. If you worked at a physical location, you don't include your drive time in with your pay when you get your hourly rate. Actual collection time, yes, you'll average that. If you start talking to people, texting, calling people on the phone, no, you won't average it because you're doing something other than collecting.

I personally like project work, because I almost always earn above average earnings. Doesn't matter if it's merchandising, mystery shopping, or court research.

Those that whine about no "travel pay", the IRS gives 50 cents per mile. If you drive 10 miles, you're getting "paid" $5 from the US Government. It's different than getting it on a paycheck, but if you look at it from a different point of view, whatever you earn collecting records, you're suppose to pay the 35% income tax on it. The mileage rate eliminates this. If you drive 1 hour to the courthouse, figure 30 miles, that's $15 you're getting back on your taxes. Add in 1 hour of court records, if you collected $10 worth of records, thats $25 at the end of the year you got for the 1 hour.

If you schedule yourself right for this work, and others, you always end up with a refund at the end of the year. Oh, and by law I have to say, please consult your tax preparer for the best plan of action. I cannot give tax advice and am not licensed to do it..However, what I said above, that's what I do myself for my taxes.
so why the name... seems a not so serious one for a serious buisness ... theres gotta be a story about that...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
I'm not creative with names. The name came from the kids website that I own, I started that website as a teen in the 90's, then bought the domain in 2003. To make it sound like a business, I came up with Jellybean Services, since it was Jellybean. Later, when I went to do the court research business and others, I already had a name picked out. All the other court research companies at the name, the owner named the company after themselves, or their initials of their name and I felt that was just really tacky. I wanted something memoriable.

When having a business, that's what you want, a name that is memoriable to a client and potential client. In all reality, I never planned on having a court research company, it just kinda happened. At the time, I was looking at buying a restaurant locally, or opening a small toy/activity store for kids in the Western Michigan area. Ending up in court research was an accident.

However, doing a google search, world wide there are hundreds of companies that have "Jellybean" in the name, most of which have nothing to do with candy, toys, or anything like that. I've found a logitics company, computer companies, etc. JBS is a world wide meat packing company which also owns a trucking company based out of Colorado. Ironically enough, there was a JBS plant about 20 miles from my home in Michigan.

Could Jellybean Services as a name really be as bad as a place called Harry's Diner? I saw a place called that the other day. Or, a state park called Licking Rock. It is, after all, just a name. In a competitive world, you have to do what you have to do to be remembered over your competition. For me, it's worked.

I'm also into Archie Comics, one of the characters, Jughead, has a little sister named Jellybean. Those stories with Jellybean in it are cute and I like Jughead's character.
ahh... good ol jug head... i willed away many a day reading those... comics are just to expensive now... and im no longer a kid so they dont just let me read the mags anymore... sad sad...

im glad to hear it worked...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
I grew up on Betty and Veronica and Archie ..... and Superman ...... riding my bike to the local Pak-a_Sak where they would let kids sit and read comic books for hours. I guess the hope that they would one day sell all the comics made it OK for us all to sit on the floor and read them. I amaze my kids with how much I know about Superman's life and times. ...And.....they were only a dime in those days - that's how long ago it was ..... oh, the hours of a mis-spent youth!
Back in the day, comic books were sold at the corner drug store, they didn't have their own store. Not long ago, I did a comic book shop. There was this boy, sitting on the floor, reading Thor . . . smiling smiley

Nothin in the store for a dime though.
Mert, please share how are those comic book shops?
I see them all the time, for me circa a 20 miles RT, for $16 + reimbursed purchase but how's the report?
i have seen a couple... they look like a pain... you have to buy specific things on one... the other one i applied for and it was given to someone else... they are just to expensive... last time i bought some at a books store i had a 15$ gift card from a survey site i have been participating with for 3 years (sorry people invitation only but they invited me through borders rewards card)

most of the graphic novels i have (comic books in a book format) are used... i picked a ton of naruto and some other up at salvation army...

some of my best memories as a kid are going to a news stand after church in South carolina and my dad giving me and my two brothers each a buck for a comic... now they are $4-$5... waste of money... plus the art and storylines are all different... marvel has changed their "universes"... probably 3 times in the past 10 years...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
My son is 8 and is a comic book junkie so we go every other week to get the new ones for him with his allowance.

And I still buy the latest Betty and Veronica even though I'm 42 and not ashamed!
I suspect you have done no harm to yourself. This guy sold the business to his parents and I suspect it is inactive at best. []
The comic book stores are easy, under 10 minutes. They've opened two shops in my town, and have come a long way. Those Superman graphics are truly beautiful. The ones I saw are a collectors item, and a great hobby for kids.

Live consciously....
iagree... anything to get kids to read... its how i got started... i still use some quotes that iremember

batman- a hammer can be used to build a house or crush a skull

silver surfer- time passes slowly for a man who waits

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Flash Wrote:
> I suspect you have done no harm to yourself. This
> guy sold the business to his parents and I suspect
> it is inactive at best.
> []
> #msg-91377

Pointing something out..JBS is actually the name of the court research company. Jellybean Services is the original name, which I held on to. My parents, sister, and cousins are involved on the JBS side of things. As a mystery shopper, we're independent contractors running our own "business". The original intention of JBS was just to shorten Jellybean Services and a separate employment page was made.

Both are very live and well, although Jellybean Services, which is me, does other things. I handle sales & marketing for JBS, but I'm not restricted to just court research. JBS does just court research. Jellybean Services, I do have a few people that work for me, we do property inspections, merchandising, transportation, stuff that's completely unrelated. I also take incoming potential sales calls for court records contract. JBS hasn't done much growing since I left, sadly. The turn in the economy has helped with that. I have been working with a possible new client for about 3 months. If they ever get around to finalizing everything, JBS will need to ramp up for collections in about 400 new counties that aren't currently covered...but, as we all know, work doesn't happen without that check. I won't even implement a contract with a client until payment has been received in advance. I'm not going to let myself get burned another $12,000.
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