Personally, I would not recommend Certified. I had worked for them for nearly a year. I was recruited by the Theatre department, but was soon recruited into Marketing by a call on my telephone to do a rush job at a department store. That was a big mistake. This rush job had soon been turned into a recurring job without my knowledge. But I continued with it a few times. From the start, my pay was less than advertised. But that was not what finally soured me from them forever. It was the day I was removed from all assignments because of an issue with a store. I had not been working that location for long. Because of a non-answer on my form, I was removed from that project as well as others; and permanently removed from the company. I spoke to a representative, of whom told me the reason was only because of the answer (NA). My final paycheck was much less than agreed upon.
A year later, I decided to get in contact with Certified again. I was told that I was not allowed back because of other statements posted on their files...(blatant lies). Among those statements was the falsification of reports connected with another location. That I was not told the year before. I asked about an appeals process, since I knew that I would rather take poison than falsify reports. Besides that, I had procured the signature of the manager on duty after reviewing those forms with them. The representative I spoke to informed me that there was no appeals process for this. I gave up, but the idea of these false allegations about me was eating away. So I called back to try to get to the correct person. After my attempts, the individuals began raising their voices at me and ultimately began hanging up on me. When I spoke to someone in another department, they tried putting me through. But I was told that the manager in that department said that I could call back as many times as I want, but they would keep hanging up on me.
I emailed Certified again to ask about the appeals process. A week later, I received an email in response that informed me that there was no appeals process. I emailed again to ask that these allegations be looked into again, since it seemed as though the individual that added these things on their files had done so only to prevent my returning. It's been two months, and no further response.
I don't intend to return, but I would like to clear those records of her false allegations. It still burns me up.
....My next step will be a doozy.