AustinMom Wrote:
> sportofficial Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "TRUTH, indeed, draws strength from ITSELF and
> not
> > from the AMOUNT of CONSENT it arouses!!!!"
> >
> >
> >
> > Now if for some, the naked truth of my
> experience
> > is too hard to accept, I'm sorry for you! I
> have
> > done my duty. if God forbid you too be bitten
> by
> > Kimberly Nasief as I was, don't say you were
> not
> > warned!
> >
> > I sincerely do NOT wish for any shopper reading
> > this to undergo the same nightmare I did with
> MCP.
> > Nor with any other mystery shopping company. No
> > human being deserves that, no shopper should be
> > abused of, and having Kimberly Nasief owing me
> > close to $150 is not really the ideal situation
> > any shopper out there dreams of and is working
> > for, right?
> >
> sportofficial, I think we are all very curious
> about this since it has not been the experience of
> most of us with MCP. But, while I'm hearing a lot
> of emotion and anger, I'm not hearing any
> specifics. Most of us do the same shops. Without
> mentioning the client names,
> 1. What shops did you do that totaled $150 for
> which you were not paid?
> 2. How many shops did you do?
> 3. What reason did MCP give you for disallowing
> each of the shops?
> 4. Did you do any shops for MCP that were
> accepted?
Here are the facts you asked for:
1. What shops did you do that totaled $150 for
which you were not paid? 2. How many shops did you do?
They were SIX (6 shops) the earliest dating back to July 2010.
3. What reason did MCP give you for disallowing
> each of the shops?
MCP did not even inform me that my shops will not be paid for. Nor did they ever contact me for follow ups as other companies regularly do for clarification purposes. So I, who am a fool to measure other people with my own yardstick, beleived that in due time Kimberly Nasief would be honest enough to pay me for the shops I did for MCP. No news good news, they say, right?
When I did the Math with my paypal account and compared them to the list of shops that were listed as 'Accepted", 'Payment pending" or "OK for PAY' on my payroll statements, and found these missing, I contacted Kimberly at once. Of course the first excuse she gave me was that the old sassie site no longer exists and that for the summer and fall shops, time has expired and she cannot do anything about them.
So,I watched my CURRENT shops carefully, Kept all the evidences. As soon as they marked my reports "OK FOR PAY" I made sure to print that page out before Kimberly Nasief touches it up. ( I have caught her red handed faking my shop reports and photos in order to have an excuse to invalidate them) Kimberly Nasief did not give me a REASON but she brought up the lamest excuse of all when she claimed that I did a carry out shop which was a delivery. But again, since I had kept all the corrispondences, including the email that states the kind of assignment I was given by them (A CARRY OUT NOT a delivery) and all the copies of documents which state clearly that I , and not Kimberly was right, and I emailed them to her , she blamed it on the client that they do not want to pay.
4. Did you do any shops for MCP that were
> accepted.
Yes of course. But each never totalled over $20. Including shop fee and reimbursement. No promised BONUS shop was ever compensated for, in my case.
Besides Austinmom, do you want me to give Kimberly Nasief any credit for paying me for one shop and witholding the payment of the next three???! Aren't we supposed to get paid for EVERY shop that we do right?
And since you are so quick to misjudge me I ask you, how would YOU interpret the phrase "OK FOR PAY" when you see it next to shops you have completed for a company? WOULDN'T YOU EXPECT PAYMENT too? I guess we are all speaking one language here, right?
Well so you understand that what comes across to you as 'anger' is not unfounded, please know that ALL the payments I am claiming from MCP have that phrase , alongside their description and date of completion.