To whom it may concern...

"TRUTH, indeed, draws strength from ITSELF and not from the AMOUNT of CONSENT it arouses!!!!"

So in other words, if the whole online world turns against me for expressing my sour experience with MEASURE CONSUMER PERSPECTIVES, so be it. The TRUTH will remain unchanged. The FACTS are what they are. And I put my hand on my heart...I only have ONE conscience, I only have ONE soul, I spoke the TRUTH.

Now if for some, the naked truth of my experience is too hard to accept, I'm sorry for you! I have done my duty. if God forbid you too be bitten by Kimberly Nasief as I was, don't say you were not warned!

I sincerely do NOT wish for any shopper reading this to undergo the same nightmare I did with MCP. Nor with any other mystery shopping company. No human being deserves that, no shopper should be abused of, and having Kimberly Nasief owing me close to $150 is not really the ideal situation any shopper out there dreams of and is working for, right?

For those of you who DOUBT me, please private message me and I'll show you documents which detail everything I stated WITH CERTAINTY. Although I warned Kimberly that I'll post these docs on this site, but I refrained from doing so, in respect to the client in question, and when I read in another thread that clients' names should remain undisclosed.

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I sense your distress, and am sorry for it. Many have been burned by one company or another, and although $150.00 is alot to lose, I hope you can resolve this and then put it away. I have NOT worked for this company. The best to you.

Live consciously....
Thank you for all the information. I have not done any work for this company. If I do in the future, it will be with caution. I hope that you can some how collect the money.
kittybratt Wrote:
> Thank you for all the information. I have not
> done any work for this company. If I do in the
> future, it will be with caution. I hope that you
> can some how collect the money.


WHOLEHEARTELDY I THANK YOU!! Gentleness such as yours is so hard to find in today's world and age! Keep it up and may you be rewarded with much peace, joy and success in every facet of your life!

I dont believe I will be paid at this point no. Just because I was told point blank by Kimberly that she will NOT pay me my dues. She brought up all kinds of excuses to invilidate my shops.

I suggest for everyone to go with caution. I learned that the moment a shopper finds out they are ripped off, and stands up for their rights, THEN THEY ARE COMPLETELY ALONE to face the music!

I can't possibly list the number of persons, supoosedly in authority , who slipped off my situation and washed their hands off it, shoving it on to somebody else's responsibility! Its very frustrating and all the red tape that exists....

The bottom line....Mystery shopping COMPANIES are always right, not the shopper! The smaller fish never ate the bigger one and these companies are equipped to get out of such situations and to appear credible.

I ve only been a shopper for a year. Still I gained experience in mystery shopping with various companies. But If you have any difficulties please ask me and, sincerely, I'll let you know all that I do know about the company concerned without any prejudice or personal preferences!

May your kindness towards me pay you dividend in hundredfold!! Merry Christmas and a bright, prosperous new Year to you and your loved ones!!
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> I sense your distress, and am sorry for it. Many
> have been burned by one company or another, and
> although $150.00 is alot to lose, I hope you can
> resolve this and then put it away. I have NOT
> worked for this company. The best to you.

Thank you Irene!!

Finally REAL human beings are replying to my posts! You rinput is MUCH appreciated Irene.

All that I just finished saying to Kitty applies to YOU as well. I also heartfeltly reciprocate all your sincere wishes and know that your support and understanding means a LOT to me!

I am sure I will put this behind me, whether its resolved to my favor or not. Just because as much as being burnt hurts, but at the end of the day, there are worse things that could happen in life. And I also believe nothing happens without a reason. If others can learn from my experience that is satisfaction enough for me.

Good luck to you!!!:-)
Sports..... was this one shop or many?
and I am guessing you called someone out who flunked? If so good for you and keep fighting them.
So sorry to know you went through this. I recently have had a nightmare experience with Direct Scheduling Services and I doubt I will ever get paid. I am not giving up, though. It is pure stealing when the MSP does not pay for our hard work. I understand what you are going through.
Your experience with Measure Consumer Perspectives is the same kind of experience I had with Marketforce which is why I hate them more than liver with a side of greenbean casserole.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Bestmark, although not paying was never an issue, their work politics and holding the good jobs hostage in lieu of those "fun and easy" jobs just burned me to the core. The good news is, many other companies to work for, sometimes losing a big amount is a big lesson (although not one to do more than once).

I like that now everyone knows about MCP, but again, some excellent shoppers never had a problem with them, goes to show, what's good for one, not neccessarily good for another.

The question is: would you rather work for a unworthy MSC or eat an entire bowl of green bean casserole?

Live consciously....
sportofficial Wrote:
> "TRUTH, indeed, draws strength from ITSELF and not
> from the AMOUNT of CONSENT it arouses!!!!"
> Now if for some, the naked truth of my experience
> is too hard to accept, I'm sorry for you! I have
> done my duty. if God forbid you too be bitten by
> Kimberly Nasief as I was, don't say you were not
> warned!
> I sincerely do NOT wish for any shopper reading
> this to undergo the same nightmare I did with MCP.
> Nor with any other mystery shopping company. No
> human being deserves that, no shopper should be
> abused of, and having Kimberly Nasief owing me
> close to $150 is not really the ideal situation
> any shopper out there dreams of and is working
> for, right?
sportofficial, I think we are all very curious about this since it has not been the experience of most of us with MCP. But, while I'm hearing a lot of emotion and anger, I'm not hearing any specifics. Most of us do the same shops. Without mentioning the client names,

1. What shops did you do that totaled $150 for which you were not paid?
2. How many shops did you do?
3. What reason did MCP give you for disallowing each of the shops?
4. Did you do any shops for MCP that were accepted?
What Austin Mon said. We need some substantial information instead of rants. Sympathy for this poster is premature, as we have NO information from him.

I fear that by encouraging this poster we are just feeding a troll. He has been all over this forum slinging accusations and has never made any concrete answers to questions. All he has done is to cast aspersions on shoppers who say that they have not had any problems with this company.

BTW, I have done many shops for this company that had very negative reports and never had any problems with them. Assuming that the poster was singled out because he made a negative report is nothing more than an assumption. He never gives specifics. If he is so "unafraid" of the fallout from posting THE TRUTH, I think that we need to see some FACTS.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/27/2010 02:11AM by walesmaven.
I for one am taking his post as his truth. No one could be this upset if there wasn't cause. This doesn't mean people happy with the MSC are wrong, always believe there are two sides to a coin. I wouldn't diss a company to his extent if there wasn't due reason, doesn't make sense to act as upset as he does. More info. would be the next step.

Live consciously....
> Sports..... was this one shop or many?
> and I am guessing you called someone out who
> flunked? If so good for you and keep fighting
> them.

Hi Canadamommy,

They were SEVERAL shops. And I DID communicate about this discrepancy of payment with Kimberly Nasief on SEVERAL OCCASIONS. Every time she comes up with an excuse to withold my payment. If it was just one shop I might have probably closed both eyes for it. I hate confrontations and I feel we dont have to fight / stand up for what is our rights!

Unfortunately I did NOT find any support when I tried to report the matter to higher authorities. Everybody sends you back and forth, tell you they do not deal with shoppers' payment issues, and some would not even acknowledge my corrispondence!

Its in OUR interest my fellow shoppers, to know well beforehand the path we are trodding on! And these fora could be an eye opener when accurate info is shared.
57carol Wrote:
> So sorry to know you went through this. I recently
> have had a nightmare experience with Direct
> Scheduling Services and I doubt I will ever get
> paid. I am not giving up, though. It is pure
> stealing when the MSP does not pay for our hard
> work. I understand what you are going through.

Carol, we are all in the same boat! out there working shops to help support ourselves and families in the harder times we are going through. It is an abuse for MSC's to take advantage of the situation and hold our payments FOR NO REASON other than their greed. I am not giving up either, but I am trying to keep calm. I take such indicents very hard, cos I expect people to treat me like I go out of my way to be honest with them.

I did not hear a lot of good reports about Direct scheduling unfortunately! I sincerely wish you luck and may your issue be resolved soon!!
Cettie Wrote:
> Your experience with Measure Consumer Perspectives
> is the same kind of experience I had with
> Marketforce which is why I hate them more than
> liver with a side of greenbean casserole.

Thanks for the chuckle Cettie! :-) I love to laugh!!

Dont get me wrong dear...I laughed at the way you expressed your emotions towards MF ....for which I don't blame you ...but you did make me smile with that comparison!

I dont hate anybody. I just hope and pray someone benefits from my experience.
AustinMom Wrote:
> sportofficial Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "TRUTH, indeed, draws strength from ITSELF and
> not
> > from the AMOUNT of CONSENT it arouses!!!!"
> >
> >
> >
> > Now if for some, the naked truth of my
> experience
> > is too hard to accept, I'm sorry for you! I
> have
> > done my duty. if God forbid you too be bitten
> by
> > Kimberly Nasief as I was, don't say you were
> not
> > warned!
> >
> > I sincerely do NOT wish for any shopper reading
> > this to undergo the same nightmare I did with
> MCP.
> > Nor with any other mystery shopping company. No
> > human being deserves that, no shopper should be
> > abused of, and having Kimberly Nasief owing me
> > close to $150 is not really the ideal situation
> > any shopper out there dreams of and is working
> > for, right?
> >
> sportofficial, I think we are all very curious
> about this since it has not been the experience of
> most of us with MCP. But, while I'm hearing a lot
> of emotion and anger, I'm not hearing any
> specifics. Most of us do the same shops. Without
> mentioning the client names,
> 1. What shops did you do that totaled $150 for
> which you were not paid?
> 2. How many shops did you do?
> 3. What reason did MCP give you for disallowing
> each of the shops?
> 4. Did you do any shops for MCP that were
> accepted?


Here are the facts you asked for:

1. What shops did you do that totaled $150 for
which you were not paid? 2. How many shops did you do?
They were SIX (6 shops) the earliest dating back to July 2010.

3. What reason did MCP give you for disallowing
> each of the shops?

MCP did not even inform me that my shops will not be paid for. Nor did they ever contact me for follow ups as other companies regularly do for clarification purposes. So I, who am a fool to measure other people with my own yardstick, beleived that in due time Kimberly Nasief would be honest enough to pay me for the shops I did for MCP. No news good news, they say, right?

When I did the Math with my paypal account and compared them to the list of shops that were listed as 'Accepted", 'Payment pending" or "OK for PAY' on my payroll statements, and found these missing, I contacted Kimberly at once. Of course the first excuse she gave me was that the old sassie site no longer exists and that for the summer and fall shops, time has expired and she cannot do anything about them.

So,I watched my CURRENT shops carefully, Kept all the evidences. As soon as they marked my reports "OK FOR PAY" I made sure to print that page out before Kimberly Nasief touches it up. ( I have caught her red handed faking my shop reports and photos in order to have an excuse to invalidate them) Kimberly Nasief did not give me a REASON but she brought up the lamest excuse of all when she claimed that I did a carry out shop which was a delivery. But again, since I had kept all the corrispondences, including the email that states the kind of assignment I was given by them (A CARRY OUT NOT a delivery) and all the copies of documents which state clearly that I , and not Kimberly was right, and I emailed them to her , she blamed it on the client that they do not want to pay.

4. Did you do any shops for MCP that were
> accepted.

Yes of course. But each never totalled over $20. Including shop fee and reimbursement. No promised BONUS shop was ever compensated for, in my case.

Besides Austinmom, do you want me to give Kimberly Nasief any credit for paying me for one shop and witholding the payment of the next three???! Aren't we supposed to get paid for EVERY shop that we do right?

And since you are so quick to misjudge me I ask you, how would YOU interpret the phrase "OK FOR PAY" when you see it next to shops you have completed for a company? WOULDN'T YOU EXPECT PAYMENT too? I guess we are all speaking one language here, right?

Well so you understand that what comes across to you as 'anger' is not unfounded, please know that ALL the payments I am claiming from MCP have that phrase , alongside their description and date of completion.
walesmaven Wrote:
> What Austin Mon said. We need some substantial
> information instead of rants. Sympathy for this
> poster is premature, as we have NO information
> from him.
> I fear that by encouraging this poster we are just
> feeding a troll. He has been all over this forum
> slinging accusations and has never made any
> concrete answers to questions. All he has done is
> to cast aspersions on shoppers who say that they
> have not had any problems with this company.
> BTW, I have done many shops for this company that
> had very negative reports and never had any
> problems with them. Assuming that the poster was
> singled out because he made a negative report is
> nothing more than an assumption. He never gives
> specifics. If he is so "unafraid" of the fallout
> from posting THE TRUTH, I think that we need to
> see some FACTS.


You yourself said you do not know anything about me. If YOU have any proof that I am not saying the TRUTH, show me where that is, but if I am only speaking the TRUTH about MY OWN VERY PERSONAL experience, why do you throw dirt at me?
Was I the one to attack you....just see for yourself on this same thread...who came to chase who ...who came to provoke trouble....who is here for all the wrong or you?

Says who that I dont have as much right as you do to start a thread about MY OWN EXPERIENCE? If you so firmly believe I dont deserve others' attention why are YOU giving it to MY posts?? Lead by example!!! And If you dont like what I post, then move on to the next one...nothing and nobody will change my version unless the FACTS do!
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> Bestmark, although not paying was never an issue,
> their work politics and holding the good jobs
> hostage in lieu of those "fun and easy" jobs just
> burned me to the core. The good news is, many
> other companies to work for, sometimes losing a
> big amount is a big lesson (although not one to do
> more than once).
> I like that now everyone knows about MCP, but
> again, some excellent shoppers never had a problem
> with them, goes to show, what's good for one, not
> neccessarily good for another.
> The question is: would you rather work for a
> unworthy MSC or eat an entire bowl of green bean
> casserole?

The measure of a person is not their words, but their ACTIONS, more so when they think nobody is watching them !
This applies to all human beings, including mystery shopping company owners!
I would much rather work for a company whose worth is in their INTEGRITY. A company who is as good as its word. A company who is reliable and CONSISTENT in her EQUAL treatment to ALL persons.
Sportsofficial, most of us, when there is an issue such as yours, take our correspondence to the next level with the company. I had an issue such as yours with Second to None and had to fight just to get anybody to respond. Eventually it was worked out without needing to SCREAM all over forums. So if you have all this documentation, move it up the line rather than make us all the bad guys for saying that it has not been our exprience at all.
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You've gone to the top, and she has apparently said she is not going to pay (for whatever reasons.)

If you have all the documentation you state you have, Your next step is to go the small claims court route, with contact to the BBB and the state AG, or to just let the issue go.

But please stop yelling all over the forum about it. You've told your story, and warned people about your personal experience. We know where you stand. People can now make up their own minds based on collective feedback and personal experiences.
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