vanster2000 Wrote:
> SD,
> I would remove this post if I were you. If you get
> reported to the MSPA as violating your ICA. More
> companies than just MF might black list you. There
> is a way to vent with naming the MSC, the client
> and Trademarked brand names. I would very quickly
> get the eraser out and cleanup this post. As far
> as payment goes, it sounds like you did not check
> the correct boxes concerning communicating with
> team members. If you had checked the correct boxes
> and then made a couple of short comments about
> issues with ordering, then the MSC would
> understand that it was a location issue and not a
> shopper issue. There was plenty of instruction on
> how to handle the "No combo" scenario in the
> training and guidlines. Not having the opportunity
> to have read your report, it is my guess that you
> did not document the shop correctly.
> By the way, I was terminated by the MSC, so there
> is no love lost here. I am just sharing my
> experinece with you.
Thanks for the advice, I made some changes for what it's worth. I'm not trying to make a career out of MS though, just enjoying some free meals and such. This MF experience has left a bad taste in my mouth and I find I'm not alone after searching for other stories. They are all the same - lay out your money in a ridiculous scenario of rapid fire eating - and then get shafted for some minor misstep of the rules. It's like a take on a Seinfeld episode - The Burger Nazi!