Beware of getting found out

Beware of Market Wise Consulting. Their fax number has a recording on it that states "and Mystery Shopping Professionals". I found this out when I had my bank fax my W9 over to them while doing a mystery shop. Needless to say I was busted. The banker didn't say anything but she gave me a real dirty look and had me come in and listen to the meassage.

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Yes, it does sound like you are busted. I can't fathom why you would have the bank fax your W9 unless you have no scanner or fax of your own. And it is really hard to shop without a scanner and/or fax to send in other materials from shops.
I guess I am too missing why you would EVER EVER fax anything from a shop AT the location?
Credit check reports yes but they are not secret.

To those of veteran shoppers maybe we are taking for granted we know everything from a shop must be uploaded and faxed OFF site!
wjesse Wrote:
> dumb ass

Your second post in 2 1/2 YEARS and this is what you say? Obviously raised as a person of rare culture and refinement. NOT

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Nice talk. Do you swallow or flush wjesse?

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Wjesse, I don't think that mystery shopping is your calling. I would recommend a career in public relations. Or perhaps Mel Gibson's agent?
I have a stomach ache from laughing...thx guys and Wjesse, please anyone can make a mistake, but to fax from the bank, PLEASE!!! Next time try Kinko's.

Live consciously....
I am a little confused. Why would you have the bank fax your W-9. If you do not have a scanner or fax machine, you could go to a local staples, UPS Store or just mail it.
Ya know, if the bank had a computer available to customers, you could have filed your shopper's report right on the spot. Fast and efficient and on to a dining shop. smiling smiley
Free notary and fax services at most personal banks. But please use another branch or at least wait a day before using the free services. I would advise against shopping at that branch again.

Also there are several free use e-fax services on the internet. Try one of them next time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2010 05:01PM by vanster2000.
Hope you learned, sure fire way to be found out, just fax MSC from the job, good one!! I hope this is your first job, not your last!!

Live consciously....
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