Market Force

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Hey. Marketforce has paid. I logged into my bank account and the money is there. Instead on being paid on the 10th, they paid on the 12th. I can exhale now.
A K-cup is the coffee pod you put in the Keurig coffee maker (individual cups). My husband got me a Keurig for Mother's Day and I absolutely love it.
I thought you were supposed to steal those from motels and hotels. You mean that they sell them? smiling smiley
No, you steal them from bank lobbies.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
If its Bank of America and they press charges, you'll be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff. Those people don't give up even a pen to sign the check to pay them.
Ohhh those. I sort of want a Keurig, but I don't drink that much coffee. I prefer flavored coffee or latte. After Thanksgiving Bed, Bath, and Beyond was demonstrating those and giving away samples.
they have tons of different flavors for it. I don't make latte's at home; they never taste as good. Same reason I don't brew dunkin Donuts coffee at home; they do "something" when you get it from them that one can not match at home.
I have a Keurig that my boyfriend got me for Christmas. i LOVE it!! Prior to that, I had considered stealing the one from my hotel room on a trip I went on for work ;-) The only problem is, it is sitting in my office so I end up drinking 5 or 6 cups of coffee a day now lol.
I rarely buy from Amazon. I will gladly donate this to whoever wishes to PM me. It will be a claim code.
I am a full time, professional mystery shopper with quite a bit more experience than a typical shopper. I've been shopping a long time in 26 states and have submitted approximately 30,000 reports. My references are excellent. When I applied with MarketForce about five years ago, I was declined. It wasn't easy to get an explanation as to why I was declined but after several phone calls and some tenacity, I was told I had too much experience. The person told me they prefer people with less experience because such a person with less experience would be more like a typical customer. This made no sense to me. I've always had more work than available time and energy so I just let it go without pursuing it further. In the past few days, I've learned that MarketForce has a client with whom I'd like to shop. Now to the point of this post... has anyone else ever been turned down by a MS company because they have too much mystery shopping experience?

I don't feel like wasting my time applying again if I'm going to be turned down again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2011 09:49PM by Sunnyside.
Shaking my head and wondering why a green 20 year old (which I doubt is ever verified) is a better shopper than you, Sunnyside.
I remember doing a great deal of research regarding predatory lending and consumer credit a few years ago. There was a reoccurring theme of the least sophisticated consumer. Maybe these service providers are looking for feedback from less sophisticated consumers and shoppers. Every facet of society is structured around the least sophisticated.
I was kicked off last week from Market Force, I guess I had done to many shops for them. I have been trying to get a straight answer from them and all they say is they can't tell the reason and I cannot do anymore shops for them. Oh well their loss, I just have to find a great shopping web site that is self assign and has a lot of shops, if any body has someplace I can go, let me know.
orcamom Wrote:
> I was kicked off last week from Market Force, I
> guess I had done to many shops for them. I have
> been trying to get a straight answer from them and
> all they say is they can't tell the reason and I
> cannot do anymore shops for them. Oh well their
> loss, I just have to find a great shopping web
> site that is self assign and has a lot of shops,
> if any body has someplace I can go, let me know.

How many shops have you done with them? For how long? If I may ask?

There is Trendsource and ACE

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2011 01:27AM by royalnbn.
royalnbn Wrote:
> orcamom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I was kicked off last week from Market Force, I
> > guess I had done to many shops for them. I
> have
> > been trying to get a straight answer from them
> and
> > all they say is they can't tell the reason and
> I
> > cannot do anymore shops for them. Oh well
> their
> > loss, I just have to find a great shopping web
> > site that is self assign and has a lot of
> shops,
> > if any body has someplace I can go, let me
> know.
> How many shops have you done with them? For how
> long? If I may ask?
> There is Trendsource and ACE

I did about 150 shops over about 1 1/2 years and never a phone call that anything was wrong...
I was contacted by mf when a company challenged my findings for a cell phone provider shop I waited for assistance for 31 min. The company did not believe me. Luckily I was wearing a bright shirt and told them they were more than welcome to check their security tapes, because I'm the one in the bright Orange shirt standing there waiting smiling smiley my pay was delayed on that shop, but it all worked out.
Thanks for the reminder monarch2003. Whenever I do a shop that does not go according to plan or I even suspect something is awry, my notes for the shop include everything I can remember--what the associate was wearing, what I was wearing, if there were other people around, if there were objectionable things that were not required observations for that particular shop (Muzak too loud, aisles partially obstructed, defects in lighting, etc.). If questions are raised it also gives me other "items to discuss". Rarely is it just what we are to observe that is a problem in a shop that goes awry.
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