ces1948 Wrote:
> I signed up at at some point but hadn't heard
> anything from them. The other day I received an
> e-mail saying they had a sandwich shop in my area
> and went on to explain the details. The hours in
> which the shop must be done, what must be ordered
> and what the pay would be(13.50 which includes
> reimbursement) Knowing I could buy a small
> sandwich there for about $3 and pocket the
> remaining $10 I emailed them back and offered to
> take the shop.
> The next day I received an e-mail verifying my
> acceptance and advising me of the many steps I
> needed to complete on their website including
> testing before I could complete the assignment.
> After jumping through those hoops I was shown the
> available dates which were all in the past and the
> hours and days the shop was available which was
> completely different from what was contained in
> the e-mail.
> I stopped right and e-mailed the scheduler about
> the discrepancies. Yesterday I received a reply (3
> days after I emailed them) saying I could have any
> day or time I wanted, just email and they would
> set it up.
> Thinking all was OK I went back to the website for
> the shop paperwork (which you are not allowed to
> view until you pass the test) Then I noticed
> another problem. The pay stated on the paperwork
> said $5 shopper pay + reimbursement of up to $8.50
> which of course is completely different from they
> stated in their initial e-mail to me.
> I don't know if the initial e-mail was
> intentionally deceptive or not but it certainly
> contained a lot of misinformation. I would have
> never accepted this shop for $5. I think
> trendsource and I are going to have a very short
> relationship.
You are misreading the $13.50 verbiage. The reimbursement amount is included in that $13.50. You don't get $13.50 plus the reimbursement on top of it.
Trendsource is not a very good paying company at all. They pay on time, are responsive to emails, and the shops are generally easy to do and easy to input. However, the pay is pretty terrible for an overwhelming majority of their shops.