DO NOT work for Franchise Compliance

I haven't been paid and it is going on almost one year. Does anyone have email addresses for these people? I only have 3 but none of them are responding. I'm gonna try the BBB and contacting the company that I did the mystery shopping for to possible see what they could do. This is so unnecessary and frustrating!

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You could share your views in writing with tht e comapny that you did the job for. Be spot on and to the point.


57carol Wrote:
> they are total crooks. Adam will not respond to my
> e-mails demanding payment for a shop performed on
> Sept. 9th, well over 90 days ago. I am going to do
> everything I can to see that all shoppers are
> warned to boycott this fraudulent company. (I know
> there is another thread dealing somewhat with this
> entitled the carpet cleaning shop), but I really
> want to state this up front where everyone will
> see it. I am contacting the corporate office of
> the client, hopefully tomorrow on my day off and
> inform them of what scammers they are dealing with
> in the hopes that they choose to change MSP's.
> Carol
KitKat Wrote:
> Are we, as shoppers, allowed to call the company
> and let them know that the MSP they are
> contracting with does not pay their shoppers?
> Im new and do not know all of the rules just yet.
Look at it this way, if the companies that are contracting to the MSC's don't know that shoppers are having trouble getting paid and you don't complain how are they to know?
Generally your ICA indicates that you are not to ever contact the client. My reaction is that when the MSP has not paid you they have broken the contract and you are pretty much released to do what you need to do to try to get paid. Do not expect to subsequently work for the company again. At the same time I would not terminate with the company until I was paid.
I got a "10" too and still waiting for payment from Sept 2011 I have sent numerous emails with no luck.

57carol Wrote:
> There is no reason to not pay me. They told me I
> did a great job and gave me a "10".
1 would

KitKat Wrote:
> Are we, as shoppers, allowed to call the company
> and let them know that the MSP they are
> contracting with does not pay their shoppers?
> Im new and do not know all of the rules just yet.
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