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vanster2000 Wrote:
> I must be living right! I was paid for my November
> Shops from Service Sleuth on Jan 5. I also have
> been completly paid by RC for all November work
> also.
I shop for SS, and I received the following message on January 7th:
HS Brands International sent you $XXXX USD
Transaction ID: NUMBER
Hello NAME,
Just thought you'd like to know HS Brands International sent you $XXXX.
Note from HS Brands International:
This is your payment for the shops completed. Please go to www.mymysteryshop.com to view your breakdown. The rest of the October shops will be paid by January 12th. We are very sorry for delay in payment. Thank you.
Get the details
Don't see the money in your account?
Don’t worry - sometimes it just takes a few minutes for it to show up.
Sender Information
HS Brands International
The were for October shops, and not all at that, according to that post. I did not do any shops for them in November.