After my "demand" letter, I received a response from William Nowell, apparently the true owner of the company. He responded by saying that he finds it interesting that when "us" shoppers make mistakes they are the bad guys, commenting on "incorrect billing" etc. He went on to ask me if I was serious about threatening to sue them and said their company does not owe any shoppers any money. He then praised their 17 year history and said that they have had thousands of shoppers, but only a few that have ever complained. I find this amazing as I had only posted my first comment on December 5th and I was surprised to see how many of you have had problems with this company as well.
Shortly thereafter, I received an e-mail from Kathy, claiming to be in charge of their accounts payable. She said that they receive the invoices from the scheduler who gives me the assignment and stated that the invoices I sent to her do not match the invoices from the scheduler. What is amazing about this is that Brock Nowell was the one who assigned these shops to me, then later passed me off to a scheduler when I started complaining about being underpaid. She went on to say that their invoices do not match my invoices and stated that I have been paid in full.
Of course I responded accordingly, re-attaching the invoices for the assignments and the receipts for shipping. I also broke down their payments and what was owed to me based on what Brock had told me I would be paid for the assignments. Kathy responded by telling me that she would need to see the e-mails from the scheduler approving the mileage and shipping re-imbursements. This was done verbally with Brock over the phone, so obviously there is nothing in writing. What is funny is that if you take the amount I paid for shipping and the mileage re-imbursement I was told I would be paid, it adds up to be far more than what they shorted me on the check. Since I sent her the last e-mail, breaking everything down etc, I have not received any response from the company.
All I can say is if any of my fellow shoppers are crazy enough to even consider working with this company, BE SURE to get EVERYTHING in writing!!!
Best of luck to all of you... and Merry Christmas.