
This company sucks.I was delisted /terminated as they said I was being rude to the manager of a bookstore . I was doing a planogram audit where certain displays were not in the store.As usual this store managers think they are gods and do not like to be confronted or should I say asked about anything in their stores.Why do mystery shopping companies ask us to be objective yet when you submit a report that makes the client look bad they turn on you. I guess they are just looking out for their own selves coz as long as the client is paying they are getting paid it does not really matter to them if the infomation is the truth or not I guess that is what editors are there for, to modify reports so as to keep the client happy and that is how these companies stay in business by eliminating "truthful mystery shoppers" .

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Of course if you are out there with a planogram thatis merchandising rather than mystery shopping. While they are similar in some aspects, they are quite different in others. One of the reasons that I stay away from merchandising is that as a merchandiser you are present at the location at the will of the manager and in essence he/she is your 'boss' to be kept happy while you are on his/her turf. While mytery shopping I have seen enough little Napoleons jerking around their employees to be perfectly happy to stay anonymous and get to slide mention of rude managerial behavior into my reports.
Off topic of the thread, but Flash's mention of Napoleon reminded me of an uncomfortable moment I had recently. I was on personal business at a dollar store. The manager had the employee cornered. It began sort of quietly, then she started wagging her finger in his face, and turned up the volume as she berated him. The guy knew I was aware, but if Manager knew, she didn't care. He was so embarrassed. I moved closer until she finally got control. I stayed quite some time after that, staring bullets at her at every opportunity. Had I been on a shop, it would definitely have been reported.
Back to the original topic, I love the mystery shopping arm of Inventrix. Nice short reports, always pay on time, never any problems. Never done anything for the merchandising arm.
Would someone please share a link for their site, if such exists. I search for it but only found a few businesses that had nothing to do with mystery shopping.
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