Thanks for the input

No issue - great company

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2010 02:16AM by Justme615.

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I haven't shopped with them much, but have been paid on time. The last shop I did for them was in September, was paid by check, dated 27 days after the shop and received by me 40 days after the shop.

"Checks are cut the last week of each month. These checks will include all completed shops finalized between the 1st . last day of the previous month. (i.e. If you completed a shop anytime in the month of January you will be paid the week of February 25th, etc.). Payments may be subject to delay during holiday weeks. All payments are mailed via United States Postal Service. Your Sassie log will reflect if your payment is pending or paid. On the date your check is mailed, your sassie log will be updated to reflect a PAID with the corresponding date. You should expect your payment within 3-7 business days from the date paid. Your check will include your shop fee + any reimbursements if applicable on one check."
So shops done in October should have been paid for already if I read that correct. Thank you. I guess I will have to just keep trying to call.
Because of Thanksgiving a couple of companies who usually have a check in my mailbox on the 1st or 2nd seem to be running a couple of days behind in getting the info noted on line that the check is on its way. I am reading Mert's post as your October work should have been on a check cut during the last week of November which, of course, was a holiday week. So I would hold off a few days before trying to contact them.
I regularly shop for Nationwide and have not had any payment issues. They have always paid me according to their payment terms.
Justme615 Wrote:
> So shops done in October should have been paid for
> already if I read that correct. Thank you. I guess
> I will have to just keep trying to call.

Have you checked your shop log? Payment shows as PAID on the date mailed; PENDING is its status prior to mailing. I might be a bit more concerned with an October shop that is still PENDING.
Thanks everyone, Oct, Nov and Dec all seemed to run into one big blur for me so I didn't realize it was just a few days past the time a payment would have been sent.
I am glad to hear good things from you guys as I like doing there shops smiling smiley
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