has anyone else had problems with Market Force employees promising to pay higher amounts only to not be paid the agreed-upon amount? Worse, not being paid at all after two months awaiting a significant cheque and reimbursements from movie tickets (for theatre checks)?
I have learned that market force has temporary workers that tend to field calls (which is unsettling, especially when the calls have to do with urgent trailer and theatre checks/patron counts). I have had to spend a great amount of time pursuing which person said what, getting employees to send e-mails with the agreed-upon amount (and not always getting said e-mails, a fact which I would discover after doing the shop once I were home and checked my e-mail account) and dealing with Market Force to get the amounts. To this day I am still owed well over $500.00 yes, over $500.00.
I have worked for Market Force since 2005, but the payment problems of the last few months have been far too severe. Some of the money owed is for movie tickets, which means that not only have I not been paid (and no, there have been no problems, just non-payment and all manner of excuses) and have since removed myself from Market Force's availability list. The non-payment problem has prompted me to sit down with a US Postal Inspector owing to the nature of the problem (monies sent across state lines, inter-state bank accounts and all that).
Has anyone else had such problems with Market Force? If so, what did/are you doing to resolve it?
I will offer that if one starts getting messages from Market Force (whether via e-mail or over the phone) that conflict with what they state on the MF Web site (such as the "five days" for payment inquiries, when MF personnel will later state it takes up to 12 days), this is a red flag.