I had a well-known shopping company contact me via e-mail about a fun "bar-shop" that pays $9.50 each, all right here in my home town. The best part is - this is advertised as a FUN SHOP taking only 30 minutes per location.

There are 4 such bars - all on the same block - HOW EASY!

I signed up for these four - then I downloaded the paperwork. 29 PAGES!! It was a full blown inventory check from the bar - how many bottles of each liquor on the shelf - to be observed and counted from the bar - also, how many are located on the menu, etc.

Also, included in the 29 pages were MANY threats - if you do this - you won't get paid, if you don't do that - you won't get paid. All shops are at night - all reports do by 8:00am.

Oh, by the way -- all of this is to be done COVERTLY!! (If you get caught, you are to offer the manager of explanation of why you are auditing their bar). Originally, I thought these to be fun, easy going observation shops. Getting caught in a couple of these bars may end you up in the alley!!

Is it just me - or is this a bit much!?! I'd like your opinion. Anyone else doing these shops??

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I don't know the one you are referring to, but it sure doesn't sound like a FUN SHOP to me.......
I sure hope they have heavy reimbursement for the booze and snacks to eat at the bar while you are covertly counting. No, it is not something I would touch with the proverbial 10' pole.
FLASH - did you mean you would NOT touch it with a 10' pole? (Got your meaning).

No food reimbursement, but a heft "up to $7.00" reimbursement for one drink!!

Can you imagine covertly counting two pages (very fine print) of liquor products, with no one noticing, while you sip ONE drink!?!?

I emailed the company, declining all four shops and asked to be removed from their shopper database.
I am surprised at your town having four of the same bars on one block. I have done many bar intigrity and all were fine, but one. No food allowed and a bear of a shop with a 7.00 fee. Might be the ones you took, but I now say no thanks!! I have to eat if I have a drink, and most just have you evaluate the Bartender for loss protection and carding the youngens.

Live consciously....
I've seen the shop. On the surface, it didn't sound awful. Digging deeper, the full extent of the shop is provided. It's not an integrity shop, per se. I didn't take the shop, but wondered about the premise. A covert inventory, unless busted by the bartender whereby revealing is permitted. Strange.
Mert Wrote:
> I've seen the shop. On the surface, it didn't
> sound awful. Digging deeper, the full extent of
> the shop is provided. It's not an integrity shop,
> per se. I didn't take the shop, but wondered
> about the premise. A covert inventory, unless
> busted by the bartender whereby revealing is
> permitted. Strange.

Mert --
You know who I'm talking about. The four assignments are all on the same block - 4 separate bars, 4 separate names (what can I say -- it's a college town). But my concern about ending up in the alley is a genuine concern (if caught)!

I would have stuck out like a sore thumb anyway -- I'm FAR part the 21-25 age bracket!
Heck, there are always the 'pervs' hanging around college town bars looking to see what they can pick up, aren't there? ;^)
There are always perves lurking at bars, internet, etc. We took our daughter (when in college) to dinner and had to wait at bar...that part isn't a biggie. I've got a lulu of a story about a bar intigrity I did and a transvestite took a liking to my scarf....oh dear (stay tuned). Counting bottles might not be that hard, just looking at all the different brands, but doing four in one night?

Live consciously....
@specialpi- I hope you wouldn't consider our bar integrity shop burdensome! I've posted ours on the shopping board. We're looking for experienced bar integrity shoppers in the New York City area. We pay $25 plus reimbursement for the drinks. If you know of any shoppers in that area, please let them know we're looking.

(888)446-5665, x111
ich@acl Wrote:
> @specialpi- I hope you wouldn't consider our bar
> integrity shop burdensome!
> Imogene
> Scheduler/Recruiter
> (888)446-5665, x111
> imogene@a-closer-look.com

No, No - I've done many Integrity Bar shops and enjoy them. What I was asked to do was a full inventory of a back bar, while sitting at the bar UNDERCOVER!

I don't know anyone in New York, or I would gladly refer them to you.

Anything in Colorado??
The one I performed did not require an inventory count, but only a yes/no on if the product was carried. I also deliberately selected a restaurant with a limited bar. Looking at the bottles behind the bar took a few minutes, and there were no liquors listed on the menu. For the reminder of my time, I just drank my oversized beer, ate free chips and salsa, and watched the basketball game. Hell of a lot easier than an integrity shop.
specialpi Wrote:
> ich@acl Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > @specialpi- I hope you wouldn't consider our
> bar
> > integrity shop burdensome!
> >
> > Imogene
> > Scheduler/Recruiter
> > (888)446-5665, x111
> > imogene@a-closer-look.com
> No, No - I've done many Integrity Bar shops and
> enjoy them. What I was asked to do was a full
> inventory of a back bar, while sitting at the bar
> I don't know anyone in New York, or I would gladly
> refer them to you.
> Anything in Colorado??

We have other types of shops in Colorado besides bar integrity shops.
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