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alannajm Wrote:
> I have done many jobs for this company and in many
> ways I greatly enjoy working for them, but their
> website sometimes drives me nuts. I was just
> wondering if there was anyone out there who can
> explain what happened to me tonight. I ran the
> job search engine for phone shops and found five
> or six AAMCO phone shops which were available
> immediately. The only thing I had to do was take
> the test. I did so. Then I went back and put the
> jobs in my cart thinking that if they were
> available immediately I could make the calls
> tomorrow. I selected the calendar in order to
> assign my self a date and there is nothing
> clickable on the calendar. I could not assign
> myself any dates for any of these shops. I took
> them out of my shopping cart. I checked the list
> of jobs available again and they are still there
> listed as available immediately.
> This is not the first time this sort of thing has
> happened to me with CRI. I have taken and passed
> tests and then learned that I do not meet the age
> parameters for the client (This has happened
> twice). I have taken and passed tests and then
> learned that the client has no locations in
> Western Massachusetts or Northern Connecticut
> where I live. And now I have taken a test and
> learned that for some reason not explained to me,
> there are no dates that I can assign myself. I am
> really frustrated with this and wonder if anyone
> else has had similar problems with the company. I
> also wonder if anyone knows why these AAMCO phone
> jobs are listed as available immediately although
> there seem to be no dates available.
It means that there are no dates currently available for whatever reason. Sometimes by using the chat feature you can get someone to assign something, sometimes it is sitting in someones' cart and you have to wait it out.