Mystery shoppers needed?? Weird email....

I received an email from a Lindsey Thompson that says she's writing about a new mystery shopping opportunity. $200 per survey.

Here's the email. Poorly written and very suspicious. Just wondering if others got it and what you thought?

Mystery shoppers needed

We have a mystery shopping assignment in your area and we would like you to participate and we're accepting applications for qualified individuals to become mystery shoppers.we conduct surveys and evaluate other companies. We get hired to go to other peoples companies and act like customers in order to know how the staffs are handling their services in relation to their customers.Once we have a contract to do,you would be directed to the company or outlet and you would be given the funds you need to do the job(either purchase things or require services) afterwhich you will write a comment on the staffs activities and give a detailed record of your experience. Examples of details you would forward to us are :

1) How long it took you to get services.
2) Smartness of the attendant
3) Customer service professionalism
4) Sometimes you might be required to upset the attendant to see how they react to clients when they get tensed (under pressure).

We turn the information (you give us) over to the company executives and they would carry out their own duties in improving there services.Most companies employ our assistance when people give complaints about their services or when they feel there are needs for them to improve their customer service. Your Identity would be kept confidential as the job states (secret shopper).You'll be paid $200 for every survey you carry out bonus on your transportation allowance and funds would be given to you if you have to dine as part of the duty.Your job will be to evaluate and comment on customer service in a wide variety of shops, stores, restaurant and services in your area both live and online. No commitment is made on this job and you would have flexible hours as it suits you. If you are interested do send in your:

Your Full Name:
Your Residence address(NOT P.O Box):
Zip Code:
Home and mobile Phone numbers:
Your Age and Current Occupation:
Your Gender:
Email address:

As soon as we get all this we can look at your distance from the locations which you have to put your service into, and your address would also be needed for your payments. We also implore you to send a scanned copy of any form of Identification for the processing of your application form and also for record purpose but if you cannot provide it presently then you can provide it later.

Best Regards
3292 Thompson Bridge Rd
GA 30506

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I didn't receive it. A reverse address lookup and a follow through google resulted in J & R Kern - []
I don't like the wording, I don't believe the fee offered and I would not send personal information by email and I sure as heck would not send copies of my ID. There is nothing here indicating how they found you, so this is not via a legitimate referral. They certainly would get no response from me at all.
Not legit...remember they never pay you first, and to ask for all that personal info. isn't the way a legit MSC does business. You always have to sign up, sign contract, etc. Stay far away, you don't need them to have yourinformation.

Live consciously....
Run like hell from Nigerian effluvia.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
SCAM, SCAM, SCAM Have seen that letter many times.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
SCAM! The address given is the old address for AboutFace.

Heather Stokes
AboutFace Consulting Corp.
Director of Finance
Definitely a SCAM and does not even deserve to be answered.

The only thing they ask for is information that will help them complete identity theft against you.

Isn't this group a great source of info !?!
Oh but I really wish I could evaluate the "smartness of the attendants" or see what happens when they get "tensed".
lololol 57carol, you're just too funny! I knew it was a scam. Just the first time I'd seen this one and thought the "verbage" would get a chuckle.

I don't have to do stuff on purpose to "tense" a target. All I have to do is take my grandaughter Lilly with me. She'll spill a Sprite in a heartbeat. Or hide in a clothing rack and make Grandma nuts. lol
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