customer impact

Anyone had experience with their restaurant reports? The shop they have now used to require HOURS of detail. Needed names of everyone including the bus boy. Just checking first. Thanks

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This is my absolute favorite company, I have done their upscale restaurant and it seemed the same as others, it is detailed, the last one I did was at the bar with appetizers only, so, that wasn't bad. Make sure you want to eat there, makes report easier when you enjoyed the meal. They ae the nicest and currently are holding a restaurant for me to do when I visit my daughter in Chicago next month. I love their schedulers and their appreciation for shoppers. I can't do enough for them.

Live consciously....
I don't know if we're shopping the same client, Canada. The client I've shopped requires four names - telephone call, host/ess, server, bartender, and manager's name, if known. Narratives are Sassie style, which is fairly chronological. Narratives are substantial, but detailed story-telling produces the desired result. They have sample narratives, which are skimpy at best and should be elaborated upon. They are really nice to communicate with and pay timely, via PayPal.
The one I see is pasta based. I did it for the other company and there was no way I could get a name of the bus boy without a nametag especially if English was not his first language but no pay without EVERY single name of EVERY employee I came in contact with.... Who asks the bus boy clearing an adjoining table his name and gets an answer? Lengthy report I can handle for feasable requests.
They have two franchises here, nice but no noodles. If it was a restaurant I wanted to go to, I wouldn't hesitate. If asked, the scheduler completely addressed the concerns I had in advance of the shops. My first shop for them was questioned by the editor. A valid question, which I answered, with no dings, just expressed appreciation.
I have only done one restaurant for them here so far. For those that have done Coyle, they want everything and then some.....I usually do other shops for CI and just finished two mattress shops where the employee's xmas bonus is dependant on your report, and it was fine and paid well. The rave email from the editor put them on my #1 list. We all know things can change on a dime, but, for now, #1.

Live consciously....
I wanted CI's fine dining shops. I didn't figure they'd assign me one, without an accepted shop or two under my belt with them. I did the mattress shop for that very purpose, and did a bang up job. Subsequently, I got their restaurants smiling smiley
Mert, good for you. Did the restaurant originate in Hawaii, if so, it's a good one. My scheduler for the mattress shop's name starts with an S (can't remember), very unusal name, but she is a doll, and you don't have to wait to get a job of your choice like (Bestmark). I just wish they had more jobs in my area, I do whatever they have.

Live consciously....
The Hawaiian restaurant isn't here, though reviews are mixed on it. After shopping it the first time, one shopper friend said was it was also the last. However, one of the restaurants shopped here is under that corporate umbrella. CI also has the New Orleans based restaurant.
The only shop I've ever done for them is a coffee related one. Don't think they have much in my area, unless I'm just not seeing them because of my one-shop track record.
The Hawaii restaurant is hit and miss, appetizers I had on bar job were to die for, where dinner was an 8 out of 10. NT, you will see all jobs if you got a 10 on your first one, and they grade fairly. I don't know where there biggest market is, it's not L.A. They have more jobs in Chicago, and I'll be doing one lunch place next month while visiting daughter.

Live consciously....
Been doing a lot of restaurants for them. Sushi Zushi and FreeBirds Burrito. They are not that hard to do.
If those are the names of the restaurants, mwert, you may want to edit them out as the company name is the name of this thread so revealing client names would be a violation of your ICA agreement.
> Anyone had experience with their restaurant
> reports? The shop they have now used to require
> HOURS of detail. Needed names of everyone
> including the bus boy. Just checking first. Thanks

This is definitely a mystey shop company that calls for a LOT of detail in reporting dine-in shops, be they bar and dinner or lunch. Its slightly less taxing with to-go version of the shops. However once you do a few of these shops your comments will flow easier, and most importantly they DO PAY for all the shops performed through paypal. Hope this helps!
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