vanster2000 Wrote:
> My hope that this was going to be a list not a
> discussion
It would be nice to have a list, and I think it's a great idea, but we would need to have discussion first to set the parameters for the list, otherwise it gets to be personal determination and could be complicated by shoppers reporting a one-time slow payment....or a payment that seems slow but is within the company's stated payment time.
What kind of a list do we want? Do we want a list that tells all MSPs that take over 45 days to pay? Do we want a list that tells what every MSPs stated payment time is (so we can gauge whether or not they are meeting their commitment?)? Do we want just a list of the major offenders? I certainly think adding Direct Scheduling and Goodwin to any list of slow pay/no pay MSPs is a no brainer.
What is slow? I agree totally with Mickey and walesmaven. I don't think it is fair to put a MSP on a slow-pay list if the MSP has published its payment time and is meeting that commitment, because the shopper knows up front when he/she will be paid and accepts that by taking the assignment. If the MSP publishes a payment time that is too slow for me, I may not accept an assignment with them. But if I accept, knowing when they have committed to payment, and they DO NO meet their own
time frame, that is slow.
I think up front discussion is necessary if we want a list that actually means anything ..... we would need to decide what the list actually is and what we want to show .... otherwise, we end up comparing apples and oranges .... or maybe even apples and watermelons. Putting Regal or Service Sleuth (whose payment is slow compared to my favorite-quick-payers, QAMS and Feedback Plus, but is still within what they tell shoppers up front) with Freeman, Direct Scheduling, And Goodwin seems pointless to me.