Going over reimbursement at Coyle

Another thread mentions that Coyle reimbursements are getting fairly slim. For other companies, it is okay to go over the reimbursement if you are willing to cover the overage. Is that accepted practice on Coyle shops? I have a steakhouse coming up with a pretty tight reimbursement that would almost eliminate the ability to order two of the cheapest steaks. I’m fine with paying the extra to at least ensure my guest can get a mid-priced steak, but don’t want to do something that Coyle frowns upon. Thanks in advance for your guidance.

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They are fine with you going over the reimbursement limits, but only cover the stated amount. Some of the steakhouses have a really tight limit and I have been $60-80 over to have a nice meal.
They don't encourage you to choose the cheapest or most expensive items. Lobster is a definite NO, NO. They want you to stay somewhere in the middle. You should be fine going over.
My fiancé is the math part of our relationship and us usually my guest. He goes on the website and reviews the menu and prices and has it down to a science so we don’t go over or too much under. Neither of us drink so I think that helps. I asked several companies and they said fine to go over the amount it was just out of pocket. Now I think if you were popping bottles of champagne and ordering the entire dessert menu they may take issue as it would cause you to stand out too much! I did however do a recent hotel shop and was told specific amounts to tip the bellman and only tip the wait staff 15%. I asked if I could tip more out of my own pocket and was told no. I’m generally a 20 % tipper . I thought it was odd but sure they had a reason. If you are not sure ask.
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