
Did anyone get an e-mail from Maritz saying we had to have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) to shop with them after Jan 1, 2011? Also, proof of car Insurance, a photo ID and a business name.

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I got that as well, and haven't worked for them in over a year, but will start again.

Live consciously....
I received one too. I do a few gas shops for them and I'm wondering if having to get the FEIN is worth the bother. The other thing is I don't do enough shops for any one company to have to file taxes on my income. Will this complicate that?
Yes I received it too. I think Maritz is a bit off base on this one. The IRS does not in any way required a separate FEIN or name to be an independent contractor.

This will also make it difficult to cash small checks at a bank and instead will require an account with the new name and/or an addition to an existing account as a "second name entity."
In this rural area there is not much work. They are one of the main companies I work for. So I guess I will go ahead and do this.

I am retired and we live mainly on Social security and my part time shopping income.
Not sure what I will do. I complete quite a few shops for them. I do not want to have a separate bank account etc. So will have to think about it.
It is a nuisance but it is easy to do the required.....
no new bank account
IF you use YOUR name as your business
you do NOT need a name using your own for this purpose
Tax ID easy to get.
Easy but is it worth it for them.....
that is the $2 question!
Interesting idea, Canadamommy, but I'm not sure it is that easy (in the US). If you choose to be a sole proprietor, you cannot use a different EIN that you SSN. If you choose another entity, such as an LLC, you will first need to establish same in your home state. In my state this is as bit complicated, requires a fee, and publishing the information in a local newspaper three times.

And I am not sure that the laws of every (or any) state will allow an LLC with your personal name. Even if it is allowed, you business name would be something like "Canada Mommy LLC." Whether you bank will allow you to deposit checks into your personal account or cash same is not likely.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2010 11:25PM by ShopUntilYouDrop.
Bye, bye, Maritz.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
If we are only ICs, why do we need a business name? They claim we are not an employee of theirs. A DBA is taxed quartly. According to my shoppers fee and reimvbursed fee for 2010, I have paid out more than I have received. Right now I hven't even made the taxable limit to pay taxes on.

Another MSshopper bites the dust

Maybe if we form a business, maybe we can also form a UNION. Higher pay for delayed payment. As a business will they pay us every week or every 60-90 days? No business can operate on that type of pay schedule.
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walesmaven Wrote:
> Bye, bye, Maritz.

I'm with you on this one. I think it's nuts of them to try to direct the business practices of their independent contractors. Their actions to avoid being an employer make them more employer-like. I sent them an email telling them I would no longer consider shopping for them, and why.
Athens Wrote:
> walesmaven Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bye, bye, Maritz.
> I'm with you on this one. I think it's nuts of
> them to try to direct the business practices of
> their independent contractors. Their actions to
> avoid being an employer make them more
> employer-like. I sent them an email telling them
> I would no longer consider shopping for them, and
> why.

I hope Maritz is reading this forum. I agree, we should all refuse to do this! It is not as easy as just filling out an application and getting a number. There are other implications to be considered here.
Just a curiosity question--Does Maritz give bonuses to get shops done? If so, do they contact by phone?

My reason for asking? I supposedly have a 98 score with Maritz and have never been offerered any bonus.
They do the bonus thing. I get plenty of calls from them...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> Just a curiosity question--Does Maritz give
> bonuses to get shops done? If so, do they contact
> by phone?
> My reason for asking? I supposedly have a 98 score
> with Maritz and have never been offerered any
> bonus.

How did you find out your score? I have been shopping with them for a couple of years and have done a lot of bank platforms, the expensive candy, and bunches of the gas shops, but I have never heard anything about a score. I'd be interested in knowing my score....not interested enough to call them, but interested enough that if it is somewhere on the site where I could look it up, I would go look ....... and bonuses: I think it depends on where you live. I get plenty of calls about bank platform shops they are having trouble filling but they don't offer bonuses, just ask me if I wouldn't like to "help them out" .... I did see bonuses one time, ironically the first month I shopped with them. I think they had just started the bank program and they had a bunch of bank platforms not done ... and they offered $15 + $15 bonus. That was before the client decided only one shop per day could be done, so I did three, very close together, for $90. I've gotten lots of calls since then but they haven't offered any significant bonuses....sometimes there is a $5 bonus but usually for a location 30 miles away ....
mrcomputer101 Wrote:
> They do the bonus thing. I get plenty of calls
> from them...

I get plenty of calls from them too, but rarely with a bonus.
I guess it depends on who you deal with and the market in your area. Not lomg ago I received a $100.00 Bonus for driving a couple of hours, just to pick up a free game card...grinning smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
mrcomputer101 Wrote:
> I guess it depends on who you deal with and the
> market in your area. Not lomg ago I received a
> $100.00 Bonus for driving a couple of hours, just
> to pick up a free game card...grinning smiley

Yeah, we don't have anything like that here for them. Just gas stations and banks.
The game card was at a gas station...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
AustinMom, I think that I was talking to Maritz about unrelated matters and I made some sort of silly comment about how well they liked my work, and I was told that I had a great score--98. About all I have in my area are gas stations and banks now, neither of which will make me rich. I do like the Maritz people and wish they would wise up on their silly 2011 requirements.
mrcomputer101 Wrote:
> The game card was at a gas station...winking smiley

Our gas stations for them are just photo audits.
We do the same gas stations. They run certain promotions from time to time...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
We have both photo audits and straight gas/drink in my area. I prefer the latter because I can be in/out faster with no potential confrontation, and no pictures to upload.
I will be interested to see what everyone decides to do on this issue. I was shocked to get the email also and thought perhaps all mystery shop companies would do the same. Please tell me that is not true. How would we get the number they require and is there a cost? Also IS it worth it?
I've been on the fence on this issue. I do a lot for Maritz, plus I receive several calls a week asking me to do more. I need to check into the ramifications of using my real name as the name of my company.

I've been an independent contractor for 15 years now in my full-time job, and not once has the company I work for made this kind of demand. The most they asked for is that I start paying my own workers comp.
Of course everyone is going to do what is best for them, but I urge everyone who is either on the fence or in the mindset of "oh, what does it hurt, I will just do it" not to do it. I think they have no right to force us to do anything like this. As Independent Contractors, we should be in charge of how we want to structure our finances. I have not heard other industries were ICs are being employed requiring a FEIN number. Until I hear something official that ALL ICs are now required to do this, not just Mystery Shoppers, I am boycotting this company.
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