Curious -- has anyone checked the Corporex address in New York, NY? (340 W. 46th St Frnt 2, New York, NY 10036) Is this the same return address on everyone else's envelope??
Probably a mail drop (Post Mail - Ship n Mail, etc). If anyone does reply to the address, they don't care because the money goes to Russia - not the PO box.
You can rent a PO box from these private mail box companies with little ID - all the company is worried about is how long you rent the box. Most of the boxes can be rented for around $75.00 a year.
Let me know what you hear.
By the way, I'm supposed to go to Walmart and spent $550.00 and send the rest back to St. Petersburg AFTER I do a shop on Western Union.
Yes, I was born at night, but not last night!!