I am still amazed at the people that defend Market Force. They seem to survive on bottom feeders. When I was taking the blue assignments, I was only accepting 3-4% of the ones posted or telephoned about.
I was amused when Purple would call and tell me that they had an assignment for me. It would be something about very easy and it would take less than 30 minutes to complete. Then they would let me know the highlight of the assignment.
It pays $3.00 flat rate. You only have to take two pictures and upload them with your report.
So how about a little Math.
Change clothes to "Business casual" 15 Minutes
Download instructions. 10 Minutes
Read & understand instructions 10 Minutes
Track package to assignment location 5 Minutes
Drive to assignment location (3 Mi) 10 Minutes
Park and walk to Customer service 5 Minutes
Wait to sign into vendor log 10 Minutes
Got to department and wait for Assoc. 5 Minutes
Wait for associate to locate the box 10 Minutes
Reset the display and merchandise 15 Minutes
Take pictures and get signature 5 Minutes
Walk to customer Service 5 Minutes
Sign out on vendor log 5 Minutes
Return to car 5 Minutes
Drive Home 10 Minutes
Complete report and up load pictures 10 minutes
So in my experience it takes 135 minutes to complete this easy merchandising assignment. But you can take up to three of these assignments.
So how does that $3 sound now? ISt sounds like $1.33 per hour if you do not include the car cost or the ink to print out 12 color pages of instructions.
I thought that I was lucky getting the price bumped up to $15.00 for these assignments, until one day I accidentaly hit record on my voice recorder when I was changing clothes. I found the I had recorded my trip that day and the time was an eye opener for me. I conducted the audit not knowing that I was timing myself. When I went to put away my recorder after the audit was inputed, I noticed the record light was on and just under 2 1/2 hours had been recorded. I played it back and wrote down the times as listed above.
So I hope you know what you are defending, when you declare Market Force the victor.
It would take $25.00 per assignment to make the same take home as minimum wage in my state.
So maybe, you should consider not taking a seat on the bandwagon until you do a little time management research. And of course I did not add in the time it takes to send in pay inquires to get paid for some of the assignments.