MDavisnowell Wrote:
> Jersey - On that first hardware box, be careful
> about the register questions. There's a question
> about where you make the observed checkout or the
> code 3 observation (can't remember which), and it
> asks how many registers there are in that group,
> and how many were open not counting the self
> checkout. Part of the registers will be in the
> contractor section, and they will be like maybe
> No. 1, 2, and 3 or whatever. Then the main bank
> of registers will be, for example, No. 4 through
> 14, but not all of them will be open and part of
> the ones that are open may be the self check out
> ones, which they don't want you to count. Look
> over the register questions carefully before you
> do the shop. I have a cheat sheet and I still get
> confused (doesn't take a lot here). If you do
> anything out in the Garden Center, its going to
> ask you how many registers are out there, too.
> They get easier and easier the more you do. Wish
> you the best of luck / Mary
Yeah the registers are confusing. Do you know if the company frowns on using a smartphone to take notes while shopping? I like to use my phone to take notes (looks like texting) and use the voice recorder on it to catch details.