Sandwich shops?

Hello, I am new to the forum but I have been shopping for several months. I really want to expand the companies I shop for, and I'm curious to know, does anyone know of companies that do secret shops for sandwich shops? Or restaurants in general? I enjoy the ones I do but I want to do more.

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Basically you don't know who shops whom in your area until you register with the company. Often there are general enough hints in forums that you can figure out who shops whom. Within the past week I have done a sandwich shop for Trendsource and one for Market Force. I know that Confero occasionally has (or used to have) one. As for restaurants, it seems like most every MSP has a restaurant of some sort in their offerings--perhaps not in your area or perhaps not that you have yet been on the job board at the correct time to find.
I have done sandwich shops for Customers 1st. BestMark has sandwich shops in my area, however I am not sure if this sandwich company is just in my area or not. Good luck!

Forgive my grammar and spelling on the boards. I am off duty.
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