northtexas Wrote:
> fyi
> 15th October 2010
> Dear FreemanGroup Limited Service Shoppers,
> As you may be aware, I have just been appointed
> President of FreemanGroup and my first priority
> was to complete a comprehensive review of how we
> record and pay our Limited Service Shoppers. As
> you can imagine I was unhappy with our internal
> performance, communication and also payment
> schedule.
> I have been working for the last few weeks on a
> complete change to our practices. As a result of
> this, the following has been done:
> · We will be settling our payments with you all in
> the coming 14 days (regardless of the payment
> schedule you may have been given from all shops
> prior to September 1st 2010)
> · We have retrained the team that you work with to
> make them more responsive.
> · We have redesigned the accounts system for
> recording to speed up our payments.
> · We will be making set payments on Friday of each
> week beginning November 1st for the September 2010
> payments due.
> · We will be keeping to an 8 – 10 week payment
> schedule for all future shops.
> · I have created an email address so that you can
> talk to me directly with any concerns that you
> might have going forward. -
> I am sorry that we have let you down and I wanted
> to assure all of you that we will be caught up
> with our payments by the end of October 2010 and
> then we will keep them current going forward.
> James Hogg // FreemanGroup