hints on inspection shops please?

Im low on funds now and need my car inspected... any hints about companies that pay for that?

shopping north west PA and south west ny

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I just did one for Service Slueth, they paid #35.00 for oil change and a free car wash. Got a rain check due to a forecast of rain...said I'd never do these, but, feel I got good service and the same oil as my dealership uses.

Live consciously....
Irene. That is not a vehicle inspection shop...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Not one in the sense of a State mandated vehicle inspection, though they do report issues/suggestions/findings at the bottom of my invoices from the oil shop.
I guess I thought he meant oil change plus they inspect other things...no, not a full inspection. Haven't seen many of those, thought this would help since they do car service.

Live consciously....
Different States ~ ~ ~ where I am, South Carolina does not require inspections, but across the line, North Carolina does. I live near the border and most service garages in the vicinity are licensed to perform state-mandated inspections. Those are not to be confused with oil changes offering multi-point vehicle inspections. There are MSPs who offer state inspections, along with other automotive services.
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