Feedback Requested: Mystery-Shopping Co.

I don't see a thread for this company. It's the one with the hyphen, and is located in Knoxville, TN.

Does anyone have any experience with this company?
If so, would you provide feedback as to payment terms, and reporting (when are reports due, and are they narrative heavy?)
Their fees are almost half one of the competitors, which is fine if the reporting is half.

P.O. Box 50578
Knoxville, TN 37950

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I do. Did a mail order shop for them from home, for which the fee was reasonable. ($20.00) For that shop, the narrative was somewhere in the middle. I don't remember the due date for the report, since this one was done incrementally (ordering, then the return, etc.). By the time I got to the last part, everything else was done and I finished in a few minutes. Just checked, and I was paid in 60 days. BUT, the company I shopped was slow as a turtle so it's possible that if I had been able to submit earlier, I would have been paid sooner. The only other shops I've seen in my area involve parking.

Only other thing I can tell you is that they're legit, and also communicative. My scheduler was really nice.
DaScubaLady Wrote:
> I don't see a thread for this company. It's the
> one with the hyphen, and is located in Knoxville,
> TN.
> Does anyone have any experience with this company?
> If so, would you provide feedback as to payment
> terms, and reporting (when are reports due, and
> are they narrative heavy?)

I've shopped with them for years. They are legitimate, Sassie, pay by check the end of month following, or a few days later at most. Good communication from the schedulers when needed, and straight forward reports. Submission deadlines vary by client. Typically, 11 PM that day, others are 24 hours.

> Their fees are almost half one of the competitors,
> which is fine if the reporting is half.

I haven't seen another MSP doing the shops I do for them, competitor or otherwise.

One of their shops makes my Top 5 Favorite Shops List!
The link to their application is down.

Forgive my grammar and spelling on the boards. I am off duty.
I have the login bookmarked, [], but don't know if you can sign up from there. Their Sassie site is working okay. I completed shops last week, and have other applications pending.
Yup. The link to the application is off. Does anyone have an email address to notify them of this?
Thanks everyone. This week I have my first shop with them. As far as the low fee remark, I later realized I was not comparing apples to apples, but targeted to non-targeted--totally unfair, and for that, I apologize.
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