
Can someone tell me how to find shops in this app? I know you can only search by zip codes and it displays those closest to me based on my profile. When I click on the list of companies it shows me how far away the nearest job is, but I can't see where or what that job is or where it is located. I'm getting ready to travel and I could really use some extra jobs for companies I don't have in my area. Help is appreciated.

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I emailed Gigspot about searching because they used to let you search by company and see where all of the shops were, but they changed that some time ago. The response I got from Gigspot was that you have to enter a zip code to see available shops. That's so inconvenient for me. I don't know all zip codes and like to put in a radius then just have all shops pop up; but according to the response I received, I have to enter a zip to see shops.
That's what I got but I was hoping someone knew something else. Inconvenient. I'll just have to check it when I arrive in the new city.
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