There are several things that keep them very happy. Direct quotes is definitely one of those, for sure. Although it could become boring, I suppose, my standard for all work has become their basic formula: [He][She] greeted me [how] saying, "[direct quote]." The only time a question mark or exclamation mark is used is inside a direct quote. To do otherwise is not a neutral observer.
If they ask for 3-4 sentences in a narrative section, make absolutely certain you have at least 3 sentences.
Make absolutely sure you have addressed every "no" question in the narrative.
They offer a little style guide/sample. I adopted it fairly early on in my shopping and have found that whenever I do narrative, if I treat it as an ACL narrative I get good marks and very little grief. It really is worth spending a little time with, not just for ACL work but for overall shopping.
I love the company, I do as many jobs for them as rotation in my market allows with their major client here. Their editing is quick (I have gotten feedback as quickly as an hour after I submitted a job). They have a fixed lexicon of feedback phrases, so never take their feedback personally, the editor is trying to find the phrase that best fits the situation. A referral to their style guide may be for something as simple as putting the terminal punctuation inside the "" marks. Currently they seem to be training new editors, so feedback may run slower and there may be more returned shops than normal (a recent one took 2 days for feedback rather than the usual half day standard of my normal editor).
Their payments are always on time and for me usually a few pennies short of actual cost + tip because I round up a little on tip rather than leaving precisely 15%.