Is anyone else having trouble getting this site to load? We've been trying since yesterday and we get one of two things. Either Internet Explorer (also tried in Firefox) can't load the page and just now a Network Solutions page started loading that the domain is for sale. I have a shop to enter for them that needs to be in by 10:00 today and have not had this happen before. Does anyone know if they still penalize you if you can't get on to enter the shop information?
I am having the same issue. I sent a note to the scheduler so hopefully that will help. I, too, am worried about getting penalized since it was only a $5 shop
It's not back up. I was able to put in my shop from yesterday last night but tonight I can't get there. Kind of makes me nervous about being paid if they can't renew their domain name. I've been shopping for them for months and have a shop every day this week.