REDBOX KIOSKS: Now shopped for $5.00, new ms company

Redbox shops are back at a whopping $5.00 fee each!!!!

The cheap, new msc is the same upstate NY one that does movie trailers.

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He can't tell you that as it would be a violation of his ICA. Watch for hints in posts he may make to other threads. General protocol to keep from violating ICAs on forums are that the client and the company can't be named in the same thread. So elsewhere on the forum he may state something like, "I just did 5 of the new shops for XYZ." and make sure you sign upwith XYZ to see if that is the provider.
I saw one of these shops today. The only problem is I have a pay bridge of $8 to get there. It would cost me to do the shop.
I did one of these shops yesterday. It was quick and easy. They just offer $5.00 to inspect the kiosk. No reimbursement for a movie:-(
Lisams....they have two different colored portals and don't combine payments if that helps.....

I did one the other day; piece of cake.
Is it against the ICA to tell someone what the project number is? I know who does them, I just do not know the project number to search with.

Forgive my grammar and spelling on the boards. I am off duty.
bob: if there not listed in your search chances are they are gone..

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Yes $5. id more or less a slap in the face but honestly if you are stopping into that store (our red box's are located in a large chain store) anyways for what ever reason, why not snap a picture or 2 and be up $5.00 on the day?
I would not make an effort to do this shop if I was not already planning a trip to this store.
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