Maritz gas shops

Does anyone do these? It is an audit and we have to do a float test, take a bunch of pics, also provide a LOA to the employee and ask questions. Reimbursement is $6 worth of gas and $10 fee. They are done quarterly.

Any feedback on these?

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I do gas audits for Maritz for three different companies. What you are talking about must not be in my state. I can't see much difference except the float test. That is a new one on me. I would have to try it if it showed up here, but then I like gas audits.
Yes,they are easy. You go to pump 1 (if possible) time how long it takes to pump one gallon then reveal yourself. If you have a good camera that's even better. There is a section where you will reward the cashier too.
I don't like audits but I do gas shops for Maritz that are NON-reveal and need no pictures - they pay $6, and reimburse $5 gas and $1 convenience store purchase. There are also reveal shops with the same gas company, but you can't do both the reveals and the non-reveals and I like the NONs best.
I am either tired or out of it. I did not realize that the float test was the pumping of the gallon of gas. Of coarse I do that so I guess I am just out of it. These shops are easy. I am lucky that I do the same ones all the time so I know what to expect most of the time.

Can you do a NON at a station you have never done a reveal for?
Yes, I've only done the non-reveals. In a really good month I do about 40, which is all the gas I can use in my little car and keeps my son in gas most of the month as well. I looked at the reveals when I started shopping but had not accepted any, and then about a year or 18 months ago Maritz suddenly said shoppers had to do either one or the other but not both, so I was fine sticking with the NONs.
I doubt it. I have always used gas cans and have not been "Scolded" for doing so. My little car would have to pull a tanker trailer to store all the gas I get...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
I have used a gas can a time or two. How would they know whether I used a gas can or put the gas into my car? Why would they care? Using a gas can for a $5 gas purchase would actually seem to me to be more "real" - lots of people buy small amounts of gas for lawn mowers, etc.
I always use gas cans. I don't think I have ever told them I was pumping into a gas can. What is the problem with gas cans. I do around 60-80 gas shops a month, and need to use the gas cans sometimes because the little car is too full to take anymore. Then we always have the morons in NJ, where it is a full serve place, that just put it on full, and if you don't catch them, your day of jobs is shot to heck.
I filed a report, something like the gas purchase from hell, because the pump would not work and I was accused of putting the $5 into my car, then pretending I wanted to fill a gas can. The client picked up on it, had Maritz call me, and tell me quite directly that gas cans were not allowed because of "liability." Don't ask me what that means; there was no point in arguing. I doubt you will ever get caught unless someone reviews security cameras but since I agreed to not use gas can I will adhere to their wishes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2010 12:16AM by ShopUntilYouDrop.
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