
Hi friends, I'm just having problems entering a shop into CORI tonight, because I use firefox. Grrrrrrr!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2010 06:54AM by 57carol.

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You live in the Land of Microsoft and yet you try to use the "other guy." No 520 Bridge Easy Pass for you smiling smiley
Bill Gates can probably see you from his window, every time you hit tab, he overrides you and hits the master delete button.
Join the collective and use Internet Explorer 9 Beta. I made the mistake of “Upgrading,” it treats the pop up windows need to upload scans and pictures as “Potentially Dangerous.” This has has added 5- 10 steps to override the warning on each receipt or picture.
I use the Google Chrome browser. It is the fastest and most secure out there. This isn't just me saying this. PC World did a study and found this out. I only use IE on the rare occasion that Chrome doesn't work for the web site.
Van, you're funny. My computer expert repair nerd person set me up with firefox because he said it's safer. I trust him, I don't know much about computers (or a lot of other things for that matter.)

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