I hope this is the right place to post this. Has anyone else had any experiences with their shopper rating being completely dropped down ridiculously low by SCM? I have only been shopping for them for 2 months but in that time I have completed 19 shops. None of them have been late and none of them have come back for any kind of clarification or correction. I should have had a perfect rating with them. Unfortunately, last night I had a shop to do with them but I was in bed sick with a 103 degree fever. I canceled the shop (and hated to do it too as it was one I was looking forward to) and emailed the rep to let her know why but today when I got up to check for new shops, there was nothing available. I normally wouldn't think much about that but there were shops there yesterday that I know were not all snatched up.
So, I called them and the receptionist said that because of my canceled shop, my rating had been dropped to a 44 and it needs to be an 80 to self assign. Really?? A 44??!? I have never had any other issues with this company and they drop my rating that severely? Would they have preferred I do the shop that ill, not on my game and infecting everyone around me?
I'm pretty upset as I really liked working for this company but that seems a bit harsh to me. Anyone else had any experience similar and was there a way to rectify it? Luckily I have several shops pending and the receptionist said if i complete them I MIGHT be able to raise my rating enough. It just seems overly punitive to me.