Pinkerton Compliance

Does anyone have any tips for searching that site for assignments. I have to do an assignment for them, but I often get emails saying they have assignments available.

When I go to the site, I never find any. I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong.

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I always use IE. I can get the pages and site to load, just when I am there, no matter what assignment type I click on, it says there is nothing available.
Ok. You aren't going deep enough into the site. And this is indeed a 'primitive' site I was referring to earlier.

When you open the House Sitting stuff it opens to jobs ALREADY ASSIGNED to you. Go to "Claim Projects" tab at the top of that page and it will open a page that looks almost as bleak. Go to the September 2010 and select the October 2010 from the drop down. Give the site a bit to load and you will see lots of pages of shops. Now go to Country on the left and select State, then go to the right and select your state. Once it loads you will have shops in your state and can look through the pages.

If there are too many pages of your state, then go back to where you selected 'State' and select City. Now go to the right and go down the alphabetical list of cities where shops are available and select yours or a town near yours.

Towards the end of October, when you go to the site and select November 2010 it will tell you that no shops are available until they post November work. They seem to post it all at once.
Primitive indeed! Nice road map, Flash. Digging up my unique login takes just about as long. IE won't remember it. Firefox has spoiled me.
There is a place on the site where you can change your user password. When you open up House sitting there is a 'Change Password' at the top. I don't quite remember how I got my user name to be my normal one. My record shows some just awful series of numbers as my user name when I started with them.

Not my favorite site by far, totally unfriendly to Firefox. But with IE it works. And a reminder to folks that these guys no longer pay by check but rather have a debit card sent out to you that they reload with your payment. Perhaps some folks like that but I find it a PITA to have to keep up with a defunct card until money is put on it and after my first round they didn't tell me that any money had been put on it, I rather checked it and the money was there.
I just recently signed up with them, How are the reports and what types of jobs do they offer besides housesitting?
I have seen only one job other than house sitting and it had been taken already so I didn't get to try it. The house sitting has a very simple report. There are a fair amount of things you need to do for it and the biggest challenge frequently is getting into the house. Usually the houses have had the water and electric cut off so you need to go pretty much prepared for any contingency. In summer here a closed up house can mildew quickly without AC, so if you are highly allergic to molds you need to take precautions. In winter the inside temperature of the house is likely to be the same almost as outside if the electric is off, so you need to dress appropriately for being out in the cold for 4 hours.
I keep getting emails and always have trouble logging in.

I was not able to reset the password, I had to call. After resetting the password, I have to copy and paste. I could not figure out how to change it.
The one has numbers and letters.

The shops are usually too far from where I live and work.
Kittybratt, when you go into Housesitting there is a tab in the upper right that says "Change Password". Copy and paste the password they sent you in the first box, then put the password you want in the other two boxes and hit 'Save' in the lower right corner. Make SURE you are using IE and Firefox and other browsers do not seem to work with their site worth a hoot.
Same for me...I get to jobs and apply but have never gotten one. There site is very disturbing and dated...I wanted to do the Real Estate house sitting and applied at least 6 timnes through the years, only to never get one. I give up!!

Live consciously....
Don't give up. Keep applying. One of these days . . .

It takes mere minutes to apply, and if assigned, it's plum. Easy "work" for the pay.
Sigh. . . I had an open house and auction at a location about 3 miles from my house that was scheduled to start this weekend. Today it got cancelled--both parts. It happens. Luckily it doesn't happen too often.
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