
I did my first shop for Service Evaluation. I came home after a very long day to find that the shop form (which was very long) I submitted to them came out blank.
They told me I have until tomorrow 12:00 pm to resubmit.

I tried submitting again through Internet Explorer, as the first time it was through AOL. I received an error message.

I went back it to try again, and it said submitted. However, they may or may not have gotten a blank form again.

I emailed the scheduler. I will not be home tomorrow.

This was an expensive shop. Otherwise, I just would give up.

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ewwwww I'm going to do a shop for them this coming week. Like you, it's an expensive shop ;(

They had an email "make me an offer" to do the shop. I made an offer that was accepted then noticed the price of purchase and canceled; then got a phone call raising the offer, so I accepted the shop ..... I hope I don't have a problem with this organization.

Have you had any communication with them since you posted?

I did not see any make me an offer on their site. I am not sure if this is the same company.

However, they assured me at first, they had no server or INTERNET problems. I submitted the form three times. It was a very long form.

Finally they took it over the telephone and the scheduler entered the shop and had the same problem. She called me again and apologized, they took it over the phone again and it went through. They added a few extra dollars to the shop.

If it was not so expensive, I would have just let it go. I spent so much time on this shop, I was exhausted.
"Make me an offer" only comes through email, when they're having a problem filling a shop in time for a deadline.

kittybratt, sorry you had that problem, but glad it worked out okay in the end. I've never had a problem with this company, so this was good to hear.
I did work for them last month (or was it July?), I remember it was hot. Purchased and returned a $400 item, the most expensive p&r I had done up until that point. I presume that is the make me an offer I keep getting, but I am not eligible for it now. Everything went okay, they were supportive, although the manager of the shop challenged my findings (thread on that issue). I am still waiting to get paid, though.
Carol, I can't swear to it, but that may not be the same P&R you did. The email I'm getting is for a shop that wasn't cycling at that time, at least not in my area.
Well maybe it is different in a different part of the country. Right now, the make me an offer that I keep getting is for that same shop.
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