This is funny

I just did a shop for Franchise Compliance, my first. Feedback was sent to me today. It says, "thank you for a great job. Score 1". HUH? I thought maybe they have some backwards scale where one is the highest. I looked it up, and there I am, scored at a 1 out of 10. I have replied, explaining that I thought a "1" was beyond horrible. So hopefully someone just forgot the zero. Reminds me of my wedding. It was scheduled for 11 am with a brunch afterward. The minister forgot to show up. On his calendar, he had only put one "1" so thought it was 1:00 pm. He was painting his house when we finally reached him. He made it there by about 11:30. All my hopes for a moment of quiet prayer or last minute advice were dashed when he came racing through the room where we were waiting, clapped his hands and said, "let's go!"

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Something doesn't sound right, for sure. Franchise Compliance uses Sassie. "Thank you for a great job" and "1" wouldn't normally share the same space.

Maybe 1 is your lucky number?
A zero can be very meaningfulsmiling smiley This could have also been posted under Stuff MSPs say incorrectly!
There's a shop available right now that starts with "throw a child" it's about a birthday party, but I only go that far and laugh.
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