Did you got paid ?@TexGmn wrote:
I did my first Gap Busters shop last month. I know they are overseas and pay via direct deposit. Hiw long has their pay cycle been for US shoppers? I can see it under pending status but I don’t know how long I should wait before gettung worried something has gone wrong.
Thanks in advance for your help!
yeah i'm waitting for my payment, so... thank you@Irene_L.A. wrote:
I worked for them and had no problem, a nice note will get you a response and paid.
@TexGmn wrote:
Thank you for the replies- I appreciate them.
I’ve had no response yet to my payment enquiry so I sent another one. My website shop submission issue enquiries were answered quickly so I wonder why my payment one still hasn’t been replied to? The shop was done at the end of December so maybe that is a factor. I don’t see any contact info on the site so I guess sending enquiries is the only way to contact them? If anyone has contact info I’d love to get it!
@TexGmn wrote:
Can you send the scheduler info? Mine still shows as processing... it was completed Dec 26 onsite.
@kenasch wrote:
I was told I would be paid by today, Feb 9th for the shop I did on Dec 1st. It still shows as processing. They are still contacting me to do more shops and I have replied, not until I get paid for my prior shop.
@TexGmn wrote:
Same here.. I will call them Monday again. It isn’t rocket science so I don’t know what the problem is.
That suck@TexGmn wrote:
I have not gotten any communication about payment at all. I’ve only been told about it when I called.