Cirrus has several apartments in my area bonused to double their initial offering.....That's just not quite enough to make me take the plunge with them....

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.

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I remember reading shoppers were denied payment because the employee they spoke with was not from that particular department. Enough shoppers said over a time span that made it believable. A shop that long and involved was not worth the risk to have it rejected because you spoke to a guy from the mattress area instead of couches!

Evaluating and mailing packages since 1994. I am an undercover connoisseur of customer service, a master of disguise in the aisles, and a sworn enemy of subpar experiences. I blend in, observe, and report—because excellence should never be a mystery.
Lisa, I didn' attack you when you said you have never worked for an MSC, i took it to mean you don't mystery shop. We are all Independent and not employed by any MSC thats' a given, but we do "work" and take jobs from them. I just didn't understand, it wasn't an attack.

Live consciously....
Back on track....when starting i took their Swedish furniture store and almost had a breakdown over that report and then waiting four months to get paid....fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...never again.

Live consciously....
I signed up with them about a week ago and I have that furniture store shop about 30 minutes away from me. How bad is the report, Irene?
I did that two years ago at $70 and felt really ripped off.... my understanding is the shop has changed since then, but have not been tempted....

@a171989 wrote:

I signed up with them about a week ago and I have that furniture store shop about 30 minutes away from me. How bad is the report, Irene?

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
The pay is $35 and in the first line of the description they say that these shops have changed "drastically for the good" When a MSC says that up front, it just makes you wonder....

I'm tempted to do a forum search.
I haven’t seen any posts here about the “new” guidelines, but the old shop had an initial starting pay of $35... also, keep in mind that a shop completed for the tomorrow will be paid the first week of July - if you remember to fill out the invoice.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
When I did a couple of apt shops for them, they wanted you to contact a certain employee. You're told if the employee does not answer the phone, you hang up. You're not to ask for the employee. You keep calling until that employee answers the phone. They wanted you to do this at least 12 times. Some of these complexes have secretaries who answer the phones. I gave up on them. Will never do them again.
@Researcher01 wrote:

They are net 90.

No, Cirrus is not. No where do they say they are. Indeed, on their website they list their payment schedule:


For example, shops completed in January are processed for payment at the end of April with payment being made in early May.

Net 90 means 90 days after invoice. An invoice dated January 5 would be due on April 5. That is about one month before Cirrus' payment schedule. Cirrus terms are nominally Net End of 3rd Month; in practice they are pay Net ~5th of 4th Month.

Do not confuse 90 days with X of 3rd month; they mean wholly different things.
@a171989 wrote:

I signed up with them about a week ago and I have that furniture store shop about 30 minutes away from me. How bad is the report, Irene?
I did this 10 years ago, they paid 45.00..I hear it has been changed, but it is still confusing and has many ways of not being accepted, so be careful....then you wait for payment.....

Live consciously....
This is really common for apartment shops with most any company. I don't mind them if the pay is right... The only issue with doing them for Cirrus is that the pay schedule is one of the slowest (THE slowest?) in the industry and you have to be organized enough to turn in the invoice properly and keep good enough records that you can ask for your money should it be overlooked.

@johnb974 wrote:

When I did a couple of apt shops for them, they wanted you to contact a certain employee. You're told if the employee does not answer the phone, you hang up. You're not to ask for the employee. You keep calling until that employee answers the phone. They wanted you to do this at least 12 times. Some of these complexes have secretaries who answer the phones. I gave up on them. Will never do them again.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
That's exactly how I am feeling ..... FOOLED! Only, they WILL NOT FOOL ME AGAIN! Why do I have to CHASE THEM DOWN to receive my payment for services rendered in September, 2017???? Especially, since I have already contacted them (somewhere around November or early December, 2017) about when I would receive payment ..... Their answer/response to this was, "Payments for shops performed in September are paid in DECEMBER." REALLY??? Here we are in March, 2018 ...... And, STILL NO PAYMENT!!!! This just may have to go to MUCH HIGHER LEVELS ...... Wayyyyyy over their heads!
The report is done in Sassie, which you have to save every thirty minutes. The first time I saved it, there were over 300 unanswered questions. Most of the questions required a narrative.

It took me hours to finish that report. And then I had to chase them for payment FOUR months later???

Stay away!

@a171989 wrote:

I signed up with them about a week ago and I have that furniture store shop about 30 minutes away from me. How bad is the report, Irene?

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Cirrus is now on my 10-foot pole list. The length of time it takes to get paid is not worth the hassle.
Well, I did my only Swedish shop on a day when I had a posterior vitreal detachment. Made it hard to do the narratives. Not knowing why I did not see well and pressed for time on a Sunday to complete the visit, I chalked up my need to get back next day to finish due to a first time learning curve, and finished with dilated eyes after seeing my retinal specialist the following day. But I did it. And not since.
I may just try the Swedish store again, there is more than one here. The first time was horrific.
I recently did a site inspection, very close to home. Lots of pics with a call and easy narrative details.
I look at it this way, for the convenience of travel, I will look for more. Yes, the pay delay is not good, but when the kids are off for the summer and I have some deferred cash flow showing up when I am juggling them more than jobs, it's ok.
What is the key to getting paid from Cirrus for shops done last fall? Do you just start emailing everyday?
@margovt wrote:

What is the key to getting paid from Cirrus for shops done last fall? Do you just start emailing everyday?

A miracle. I did two of their shops, never again for me.
@johnb974 wrote:

@margovt wrote:

What is the key to getting paid from Cirrus for shops done last fall? Do you just start emailing everyday?

A miracle. I did two of their shops, never again for me.

So you are saying a little prayer isn't going to hurt? You'd think they would be out of business for as much bad karma they've built up.
@a171989 wrote:

I signed up with them about a week ago and I have that furniture store shop about 30 minutes away from me. How bad is the report, Irene?
look at my post above, but it's been a long time and I heard they revised the report?

Live consciously....
Thanks for the warning! I wondered why I am not signed up with them, I think I read about them years ago and decided not to do it. This thread is a good reminder.
Yeh the report was revised according to the description of the shop but after this thread, I deleted the link to the site so I can't say for sure what exactly was changed.

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

@a171989 wrote:

I signed up with them about a week ago and I have that furniture store shop about 30 minutes away from me. How bad is the report, Irene?
look at my post above, but it's been a long time and I heard they revised the report?
Okay, what is the trick to login to their site. I go to the shopper login page and can not find a place to put in my user name and password? Is it hidden or am I just missing it?
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