LShapiro, you asked for constructive feedback. Here is some:
I have nothing against BARE. However, work I have done for them is minimal due to the small scheduling windows you allow for shops. I just opened BARE now, and see all the shops have the option to choose dates between the 11th and 13th. Maybe the 14th on a couple. I am a long term planner. I have long since scheduled this week. You have one shop I'd gladly take, that is close by, about 10 miles SE. Right now, I could generously choose the 11th or 12th. Sorry, I've booked tomorrow already, and I am going SW. More then likely this shop could be done any day this coming week (or at least until the 15th), but for some reason, BARE doesn't allow that. I'd take this shop now if the 19th or 20th was available. Assuming you need to have this shop done in February, then you'd have this shop off the board now. But what's going to happen, is by the time you open the 19th and 20th, I've booked my 19th and 20th with shops from other MSC's. Therefore, I just don't end up doing much work for your company. I need companies that let me plan ahead better.
That was intended to be the constructive feedback you requested, and not a complaint.