Mind if I ask for a hint?

Hope this is legal here. There is a MSP based in Canada, I believe, that does lots of FF and gas stations. I have run across it twice and now might be interested in something, but I cannot for the life of me remember who it is. Any hints, please? And thanks in advance.


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57 Carol,
As long as you don't ask in a way that links the name of the MSC with the name of a client, you are not in violation of your IC.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Thanks, friends. It is not TUAU, but I will check them out. I figured out which one is it.
Just basic old Market Force. I don't know if they are Canadian based, but here in WA state, they list all the Canadian jobs before the WA ones. smiling smiley
Nah, they're not Canadian. They're based out of Georgia. Darn, they don't offer any gas shops here but tons of FF. I love gas shops!
::fast foods, gas. I get one from the other, but I can't propel my vehicle on it. Maybe someday we will harness methane::
The reason I thought they might be Canadian based is because 1) numerous shops are listed in Canada, 2) the Canadian jobs are listed first, and 3) Gas stations are referred to as "petroleum"
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